(A)   Off-street loading facilities required.
      (1)   Off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with subsections (B) and (C) below for each new use of the types described in said subsection and for each expansion of existing uses of such types. Off-street loading facilities shall not be required for existing uses.
      (2)   No required off-street loading area shall be eliminated or made inaccessible so long as the uses for which it was originally required are continued.
   (B)   Number of off-street loading spaces required.
      (1)   Every manufacturing, warehousing, wholesaling, retailing, or similar establishment, having an aggregate gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more, shall provide off-street truck loading berths in accordance with the following table:
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (square feet)
Required Number of Berths
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (square feet)
Required Number of Berths
10,000 up to and including 16,000
16,001 up to and including 40,000
40,001 up to and including 64,000
64,001 up to and including 96,000
96,001 up to and including 128,000
128,001 up to and including 160,000
160,001 up to and including 196,000
For each additional 36,000
1 additional
      (2)   Every auditorium, convention hall, exhibition hall, sports arena, hotel, office building, restaurant, or similar use, having an aggregate gross floor area of 40,000 square feet or more, shall provide off-street truck loading berths in accordance with the following table:
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (square feet)
Required Number of Berths
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (square feet)
Required Number of Berths
40,000 up to and including 60,000
60,001 up to and including 160,000
160,001 up to and including 264,000
264,001 up to and including 388,000
388,001 up to and including 520,000
520,001 up to and including 652,000
652,001 up to and including 784,000
784,001 up to and including 920,000
For each additional 140,000
1 additional
   (C)   Size and location of off-street loading spaces. Each loading space shall measure not less than 12 feet by 30 feet, shall have an unobstructed height of not less than 14.5 feet, shall be made permanently available for such purpose, and shall be adequately improved and properly maintained. Such facilities shall be so located that trucks using same shall not interfere with areas reserved for off-street parking nor project into any public right-of-way, and shall be adjacent to the building to be served thereby.
(Prior Code, Appendix B, § 60.30) (Ord. 702, passed 3-15-1971)