The following rules and regulations for the use and conduct of the municipal airport are hereby declared and adopted.
   (A)   The municipal airport shall be conducted as a terminal facility for the promotion and accommodation of air commerce and shall be operated as an open public air terminal.
   (B)   The airport shall be open for public use at all hours of the day, subject to such restriction due to inclement weather, the condition of the landing area, the presentation of special events and like causes, as may be determined by the airport manager.
   (C)   Special services may be rendered or special facilities may be provided thereat on terms as the City Council may prescribe from time to time. No person shall use the airport as a base for carrying on commercial activities, for the carrying for hire of passengers, freight, express, or mail, for instructions in aviation in any of its branches, for the sale of fuels, refreshments, or any commodity, or for any other commercial purpose unless a permit has been granted therefor by the City Council.
   (D)   The use of the airport or any of its facilities in any manner shall create an obligation on the part of the user thereof to obey all the regulations herein provided.
   (E)   The privilege of using the airport and its facilities shall be conditioned on the assumption of full responsibility and risk by the user thereof, and he or she shall release, hold harmless, and indemnify the city, the City Council, their officers and employees from any liability or loss resulting from such use as well as against claims of third persons, as against those of the person so using the airport. The exercise of the privilege of use shall constitute an acknowledgment that the city and the City Council maintain the airport in a governmental capacity.
   (F)   The air traffic rules promulgated by the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board and presently in effect are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part of these regulations as fully in all respects as if particularly set forth at this place.
   (G)   No person, not properly certificated by the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board, and no aircraft, not similarly certificated, shall operate on or over the airport. This restriction shall not apply, however, to public aircraft belonging to the government of the United States or to a state, territory, or any political subdivision, nor to any aircraft of a foreign country operated under permission of the federal government.
   (H)   No person shall navigate any aircraft over, land upon, or take off from, or service, repair, or maintain any aircraft, or conduct any operation on or from the airport otherwise than in conformity with these rules and regulations and those of the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board.
   (I)   Every person stationed or employed at the airport or receiving instruction thereon or operating therefrom shall register at the office of the airport manager and shall state his or her name, address, telephone number, and the nature of his or her business or occupation.
   (J)   The airport manager shall have authority to take such steps as may be necessary for the handling, policing, and protection of the public while present at the airport, subject to the review of the City Council.
   (K)   No person shall take or use any aircraft, parts, or accessories thereof, tools, or other equipment owned or controlled by any other person and stored or otherwise left at the airport without the consent of the owner or operator thereof, or other satisfactory evidence of his or her right to do so.
(Prior Code, § 8-50)