Mobile home parks shall comply with the following conditions.
   (A)   Bulk and area requirements.
      (1)   (a)   Each mobile home park shall meet lot requirements of Table 2, § 20.50, and the following minimum requirements; and each individual mobile home space in a mobile home park shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Mobile Home Park Site
Individual Mobile Home Space: Area (square feet) Minimum
Area, Minimum
Width (feet), Minimum
Total (acres)
Per Mobile Home (square feet)
At Principal Entrance Areas
         (b)   The mobile home park site shall be a single parcel, unless divided by a public right-of-way in such a manner as not to preclude efficient design and operation; if so divided, no part shall be less than one acre.
      (2)   In addition to the yard requirements of § 20.50(D) applying to the mobile home park as a whole, each mobile home shall meet the following requirements:
         (a)   Setback from internal street or drive, minimum: 20 feet; and
         (b)   Separation between mobile home and boundary of mobile home space, minimum: five feet.
   (B)   Common recreation space. There shall be at least 800 square feet of common recreation space per mobile home space in a mobile home park; the minimum area of any common recreation area shall be 10,000 square feet, and the minimum width of any such area shall be 80 feet. Each required common recreation area shall be within 300 feet of each of the mobile homes it is intended to serve, measured along a route of pedestrian access. Such recreation area shall be no nearer than 25 feet to any property line. Each required common recreation area shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface waters accumulated within the recreation area and shall be surfaced with turf or other dustless surface.
   (C)   Off-street parking areas. Off-street parking space may be provided on common areas of mobile home parks and shall be located within 200 feet of each mobile home space so served, measured along a route of pedestrian access. If parking space is provided with each mobile home space, the minimum area of such space shall be increased by 375 square feet.
   (D)   Interior driveways. Interior driveways shall be improved in accordance with the requirements for streets set forth in the subdivision regulations and properly maintained.
   (E)   Accessory commercial facilities. In a mobile home park containing at least 100 improved mobile home spaces, there may be provided accessory commercial facilities for the convenience of the residents of the development, provided that:
      (1)   The gross floor area of such accessory uses shall not exceed 25 square feet for each mobile home space in the park;
      (2)   All commercial uses shall be governed by the requirements of the CN district, but shall be so located and arranged that their commercial character is not evident from the street or from any other property in an A or R district; and
      (3)   No such structure shall be closer than 50 feet to any property in an A or R district outside the mobile home park.
   (F)   Other regulations. In addition to complying with this section, each mobile home park shall comply with all pertinent rules and regulations of the state and the city.
(Prior Code, Appendix B, § 50.1400) (Ord. 702, passed 3-15-1971)