Except for the articles and materials in the following list, no article or material shall be kept, stored, or displayed in a C district outside the confines of a building, unless it be so screened by properly maintained fences, walls, or plantings that it cannot be seen from any point five feet above a public street:
   (A)   Animals, living;
   (B)   Boats;
   (C)   Campers;
   (D)   Construction equipment in use on construction projects;
   (E)   Electric substation or similar facility, unless required by the Board of Adjustment;
   (F)   Farm and garden equipment, in use in fields and gardens;
   (G)   Gasoline pumps and similar service station equipment customarily not enclosed;
   (H)   Monuments and tombstones;
   (I)   Mobile homes and motor homes;
   (J)   Motor vehicles;
   (K)   Oil derricks or pumps and similar equipment, at oil wells;
   (L)   Pressure regulator station or similar facility, unless required by the Board of Adjustment;
   (M)   Plants, living, including trees and shrubs;
   (N)   Recreational vehicles;
   (O)   Signs;
   (P)   Sports, play, and similar equipment, customarily used outdoors;
   (Q)   Structures attached to the ground or a building;
   (R)   Transit vehicles;
   (S)   Transportation equipment in operation of goods being transported;
   (T)   Trucks and trailers; and
   (U)   Utility facilities not elsewhere classified.
(Prior Code, Appendix B, § 30.60) (Ord. 702, passed 3-15-1971)