(A)   Purposes of the A district. The A district is intended to provide areas primarily for agricultural and related uses and to protect such uses from unplanned, premature, scattered urban type development, pending proper timing for the providing of major thoroughfares, utilities, and other public facilities.
   (B)   Purposes of the R district. The R districts are intended to protect the residential character of areas so designated by:
      (1)   Excluding therefrom principal commercial and industrial activities;
      (2)   To encourage a suitable environment for family life by permitting appropriate neighborhood facilities, such as churches, schools, and playgrounds;
      (3)   To permit certain institutions and utility facilities considered necessary in or compatible with residential neighborhoods;
      (4)   To preserve openness of the living areas and to avoid overcrowding by requiring certain minimum yards, open spaces, and site areas, and maximum bulk of structures;
      (5)   To provide for access of light and air to windows, and for privacy, so far as possible, by controls over the spacing and height of buildings and other structures;
      (6)   To make available areas suitable for a variety of dwelling types and densities to permit a wide range of individual choice;
      (7)   To assure the provision of adequate off-street parking space to provide for the parking needs of the permitted uses;
      (8)   To protect residential areas against hazardous, offensive, or objectionable influences; and
      (9)   To protect residential areas against heavy traffic and against through traffic of all kinds.
   (C)   Purposes of the P district. The P district is intended to facilitate the providing of accessory off-street parking facilities in locations where more intensive commercial or industrial development is not appropriate.
   (D)   Purposes of the O district. The O district is intended primarily to facilitate the locating of physicians’ and dentists’ offices and uses compatible therewith in close proximity to residential areas, especially in the vicinity of hospitals, and to protect and maintain existing development of this type.
(Prior Code, Appendix B, § 20.10) (Ord. 702, passed 3-15-1971)