Ord. No. | Description | Date |
Ord. No. | Description | Date |
1223 | Salaries and compensation of City officers | 4-11-1917 |
1245 | Salaries and compensation of City officers | 4-27-1918 |
1258 | Salary ordinance | 4-28-1919 |
1286 | Salary ordinance | 4-28-1920 |
1314 | Salary ordinance | 4-28-1921 |
1359 | Salary ordinance | 4-28-1922 |
1392 | Salary appropriation ordinance. (Vetoed by Mayor Crawford but new corporation declared veto void for reason that Mayor Crawford vetoed same, 38 hours after he was out of office as Mayor, and that it became a law without his signature.) | 4-28-1924 |
1443 | Salary ordinance | 4-28-1924 |
1444 | City Engineer's salary from special improvement fund | 4-28-1924 |
1489 | Salary ordinance | |
1562 | Salary ordinance | 4-28-1926 |
1609 | Salaries and expenses of Civil Service Commission | 4-13-1927 |
1610 | Salaries and compensation of City officers and employees | 4-13-1927 |
1665 | Salary ordinance | 4-25-1928 |
1666 | Salary of Special Assessor | 4-25-1928 |
1689 | Salary of the Mayor, etc. | 4-13-1929 |
1697 | Salary ordinance | 4-24-1929 |
1726 | Salary ordinance | 4-23-1930 |
1743 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1931 to March 31, 1932 | 4-22-1931 |
1768 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1932 to March 31, 1933 | 4-27-1932 |
1803 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1933 to March 31, 1934 | 4-26-1933 |
1806 | Amendment to Ordinance #1803, salary of Assistant Registrar | 4-28-1933 |
1809 | Amendment to Ordinance #1803, salary of Building Commissioner | 5-10-1933 |
1813 | Amendment to Ordinance #1803, salaries of police and firemen | 6-14-1933 |
1826 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1934 to March 31, 1935 | 4-25-1934 |
1935 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1935 to March 31, 1936 | 4-24-1935 |
1948 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1936 to March 31, 1937 | 4-8-1936 |
1967 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1937 to March 31, 1938 | 4-14-1937 |
2001 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1938 to March 31, 1939 | 4-27-1938 |
2019 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1939 to March 31, 1940 | 4-26-1939 |
2036 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1940 to March 31, 1941 | 4-24-1940 |
2055 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1941 to March 31, 1942 | 4-23-1941 |
2066 | Amendment to Ordinance #2055, salary ordinance (Deputy City Clerk and stenographer in City Engineer's office) | 9-10-1941 |
2069 | Amendment to Ordinance #2055, salary ordinance (Assistant Registrar, Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Comptroller) | 10-22-1941 |
2094 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1942 to March 31, 1943 | 4-22-1942 |
2121 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1943 to March 31, 1944 | 4-28-1943 |
2131 | Amendment to Ordinance #2121, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1943 to March 31, 1944 | 10-27-1943 |
2145 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1944 to March 31, 1945 | 4-26-1944 |
2150 | Amendment to Ordinance #2145, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1944 to March 31, 1945 (Clerk's City Hall) | 6-28-1944 |
2162 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1945 to March 31, 1946 | 4-25-1945 |
2166 | Amendment to Ordinance #2162, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1945 to March 31, 1946 | 7-11-1945 |
2186 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1946 to March 31, 1947 | 4-10-1946 |
2225 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1947 to March 31, 1948 | 4-9-1947 |
2275 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1948 to March 31, 1949 | 4-14-1948 |
2281 | Amendment to Ordinance #2275, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1948 to March 31, 1949, and providing for the redistribution and transfer of surplus appropriations | 5-26-1948 |
2310 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1949 to March 31, 1950 | 4-13-1949 |
2311 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1949 to March 31, 1950 | 4-13-1949 |
2349 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1950 to March 31, 1951 | 4-12-1950 |
2365 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1951 to March 31, 1952 | 4-11-1951 |
2422 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1952 to March 31, 1953 | 4-9-1952 |
2450 | Salary for the clerk of the City Court of Alton | 3-11-1953 |
2453 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1953 to March 31, 1954 | 4-8-1953 |
2460 | Amendment to Ordinance #2453, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1953 to March 31, 1954 | 6-37-1953 |
2464 | Amendment to Ordinance #2453, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1953 to March 31, 1954 | 4-14-1954 |
2530 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1954 to March 31, 1955 | 4-14-1954 |
2569 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1955 to March 31, 1956 | 4-27-1955 |
2618 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1956 to March 31, 1957 | 4-25-1956 |
2635 | Amendment to Ordinance #2618, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1956 to March 31, 1957 | 10-24-1956 |
2651 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1957 to March 31, 1958 | 4-24-1957 |
2660 | Amendment to Ordinance #2551, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1957 to March 31, 1958 | 5-13-1957 |
2662 | Amendment to Ordinance #2651, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1957 to March 31, 1958 | 5-13-1957 |
2705 | Amendment to Ordinance #2651, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1957 to March 31, 1958 | 1-10-1958 |
2716 | Salary ordinance for elected officers | 4-9-1958 |
2785 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1958 to March 31, 1959 | 2-25-1959 |
2816 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1959 to March 31, 1960 | 5-27-1959 |
2957 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1960 to March 31, 1961 | 4-13-1960 |
3004 | Amendment to Ordinance #2957, salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1960 to March 31, 1961 | 9-14-1960 |
3029 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1961 to March 31, 1962 | 11-9-1960 |
3076 | Salary ordinance for fiscal year April 1, 1961 to March 31, 1962 | 6-14-1961 |
3116 | Salary ordinance | 6-27-1962 |
3152 | Salary ordinance | 12-26-1962 |
3265 | Salary ordinance for certain elected officials to be elected at the next general municipal election held in 1965 | 12-9-1964 |
3412 | Salary ordinance for certain elected officials to be elected at the next general municipal election held in 1967 | 4-12-1967 |
3463 | Amendment to Ordinance #3406, annual appropriation ordinance providing for increase in salary of the Assistant City Engineer | 12-13-1967 |
3516 | Mayor's salary for the term commencing in 1969 | 11-27-1968 |
3517 | Salary ordinance for certain elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in 1969 | 11-27-1968 |
3801 | Salary ordinance of elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in 1973 | 3-14-1973 |
4177 | Salary ordinance for elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in 1977 | 2-9-1977 |
4330 | Prevailing wage rates | 7-26-1978 |
4409 | Salary ordinance for elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in 1979 | 3-14-1979 |
4594 | Salary ordinance for elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in 1981 | 2-25-1981 |
4738 | Salary ordinance for elected Aldermen whose terms of office commence in 1983 | 1-12-1983 |
4900 | Salary ordinance for elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in April, 1985 | 1-9-1985 |
5156 | Prevailing wages for Madison County adopted | 7-22-1987 |
5364 | Prevailing wage rates | 7-26-1989 |
5455 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-13-1990 |
5465 | Prevailing wage rates | 7-25-1990 |
5551 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-12-1991 |
5671 | Prevailing wage rates | 7-8-1992 |
5735 | Salary ordinance for elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in April 1993 | 1-27-1993 |
5744 | Prevailing wage rates | 3-10-1993 |
5886 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-22-1994 |
5942 | Salary ordinance pursuant to Title 1, Chapter 7, Section 1, of the Alton City Code, determining and fixing salaries and compensation for certain unrepresented officers and employees | 12-21-1994 |
5985 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-28-1995 |
6077 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-26-1996 |
6093 | Amendment to salary ordinance setting compensation for elected officials of the City whose terms of office commence in April, 1997 | 8-14-1996 |
6168 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-25-1997 |
6294 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-24-1998 |
6400 | Prevailing wage rates | 6-23-1999 |
6425 | Amending Ordinance 5735 setting the salaries for elected officials whose terms of office commence in April 2001 | 9-8-1999 |
6491 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-14-2000 |
6583 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-27-2001 |
6660 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-26-2002 |
6749 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-25-2003 |
6823 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-23-2004 |
6836 | Amending Ordinance 6425 setting the salaries for elected officials whose terms of office commence in April 2005 | 9-22-2004 |
6884 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-22-2005 |
6962 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-28-2006 |
7006 | Prevailing rate of wages | 5-9-2007 |
7082 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-11-2008 |
7099 | Setting the salaries for elected officials of the City of Alton, Illinois, whose terms of office commence after April 2009 | 10-22-2008 |
7137 | Prevailing rate of wages | 5-27-2009 |
7200 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-9-2010 |
7258 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-22-2011 |
7314 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-27-2012 |
7329 | Setting the salaries for elected officials of the City of Alton, Illinois, whose terms of office commence after April, 2013 | 10-24-2012 |
7355 | Prevailing rate of wages | 5-8-2013 |
7406 | Prevailing rate of wages | 5-28-2014 |
7466 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-24-2015 |
7522 | Prevailing rate of wages | 5-25-2016 |
7545 | Setting the salaries for elected officials of the City of Alton, Illinois, whose terms of office commence after April, 2017 | 10-26-2016 |
7573 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-28-2017 |
7642 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-27-2018 |
7700 | Prevailing rate of wages | 6-12-2019 |