Following approval of a Preliminary PRD Plan by the Council, approval of the Final PRD Plan may be sought by the applicant, in accordance with the following:
   (a)   Final PRD Plan Submittal. The Final PRD Plan shall contain all of the information required for site plans in this Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations, as applicable. The Final PRD Plan shall include a detailed use statement listing and describing the proposed uses in the PRD, and comprehensively illustrating the PRD site design, phasing, locations of all structures and site improvements, roads, utilities, sidewalks, and other infrastructure, parks and open spaces, enhancements to public services, and other features of the proposed PRD Development in their intended final form. The Final PRD Plan shall also include all documentation necessary to demonstrate that the Final PRD Plan is consistent with the approved Preliminary PRD Plan and any conditions of approval.
   (b)   Technical Review. Prior to Commission consideration, the Final PRD Plan and documentation shall be distributed to appropriate City officials and staff for review and comment. If deemed necessary by the Commission, the plans shall also be submitted to applicable outside agencies and designated City consultants for review.
   (c)   Public Hearing. A public hearing shall be held by the Commission for all Final PRD Plans in accordance with the procedures and notice requirements set forth in this Ordinance.
   (d)   Commission Consideration of the Final PRD Plan. Subsequent to the hearing, the Commission shall review the Final PRD plan, together with any reports and recommendations from staff, consultants, other reviewing agencies and any public comments. The Commission shall address whether the Final PRD Plan conforms to the following objectives and requirements, and shall then report its findings and recommendations to the Council:
      (i)   The Final PRD Plan is consistent with the approved Preliminary PRD Plan, any conditions of approval, and the land use goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
      (ii)   All conditions of Preliminary PRD Plan approval have been addressed; and
      (iii   All applicable engineering requirements have been satisfied, and the applicant has obtained all necessary outside agency permits or approvals.
   (e)   Council Action on the Final PRD Plan. Upon receipt of the report and recommendation from the Commission, the Council shall review all findings and take action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Final PRD plan, and shall set forth the reasons for their action. Approval of the Final PRD Plan shall be contingent upon approval of a PRD Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
   (f)   Effect of Council Action on the Final PRD Plan and PRD Agreement. Approval of the Final PRD Plan by the Council shall allow the Administrative Official to review construction and building plans for the project. Approval of the PRD Agreement by the Council shall allow the Administrative Official to issue building permits for the project. All construction and building plans and permits shall conform to the approved Final PRD Plan, and no development may take place on the site, nor may any use thereof be made, except in accordance with the approved Final PRD Plan.
   (g)   Expiration of the Final PRD Plan. An approved Final PRD Plan shall expire 365 days after the date of final approval, unless building permits have been issued or construction has commenced. If such construction has commenced, Final PRD Plan approval shall continue for a period of 5 years from the date thereof. If such construction lapses for more than 180 continuous days, said approval shall immediately expire. Upon written request received by the City prior to the expiration date, the Council may grant an extension of up to 180 days, provided that site conditions have not changed in a way that would affect the character, design, or use of the site, and that the approved Final PRD Plan remains in conformance with the purpose and provisions of this Chapter and the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.