Building Department
1331.01    Established.
1331.02    Composition.
1331.03    Qualifications of Building inspectors.
1331.04    Duties of Building Department.
1331.05    Inspections.
1331.06    Records.
1331.07    Reports.
1331.08    Cooperation of other officials.
1331.09    Right of entry.
Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 715.29,737.28
Ohio State building standards - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3781
Board of Building Appeals - see BLDG. Ch. 1347
      There is hereby created a Building Department under the general and immediate administration of the Safety-Service Director, and under the immediate administration of the Building Official and such other personnel as may be hereinafter authorized by Council.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
   (a)    The Building Department is hereby created. This Department shall be staffed by the Mayor, subject to approval by Council.
   (b)   In the event of special need, inspectors with special qualifications and other professional personnel may be employed by the Building Department at the prevailing rate for such qualified craftsmen and professional personnel.
   (c)   Where a "Building Official" is required by the Ohio Building Code, the Ohio Board of Building Standards or Chapter 1365 of the City of Alliance Codified Ordinances; those services of a Building Official shall be obtained by employment or by contracting for service by the Mayor, subject to approval by Council. A second and separate Building Official may be employed or contracted for services as a "Residential Building Official" only, to enforce the Ohio Building Code as it applies to detached one-, two-, and three-family dwellings and structures accessory to those dwellings only to the extent indicated in Section 310 of this Building Code. Any Building Official employed by or performing services under contract for the City is required to meet all regulations for certification and performance as prescribed by the Ohio Building Code and the Ohio Board of Building Standards.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
   The Building Inspectors shall be generally informed on the quality and strength of building materials, on the prevailing methods of building construction, on good practice in fire prevention, and on the proper installation of piping, electric wiring, heating, and ventilation and other installations for the safety, comfort, and convenience of occupants. They shall be in good health-and physically capable of making the necessary examinations and inspections of buildings in the course of construction. He shall not have any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in the sale or manufacture of any material, process or device entering into or used in, or in connection with building construction. They shall not engage in any other calling or occupation that will be inconsistent with or in conflict with this position.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
    The Building Department shall receive applications required by this Building Code, issue permits and furnish the prescribed certificates. It shall submit all plans for buildings to be constructed under the provisions of the Building Code, to an engineer duly licensed and registered under the laws of the State, for approval. It shall examine premises for which permits have been issued and shall make necessary inspections to see that the provisions of the law are complied with and that the construction is prosecuted safely. It shall enforce all laws relating to the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, except as may be otherwise provided for. It shall, when requested by the Service-Safety Director or Council or when the interests of the Municipality so require, make investigations in connection with matters referred to in this Code and render written reports on the same. For the purpose of enforcing compliance with the law, it shall issue such notices or orders as may be necessary.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
   The Building Department shall cause to be inspected at the time of the final inspection of any construction, all electrical, gas and coal-powered appliances of every nature that are installed within the structure, paying particular heed to proper installation in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and the safety provisions of this Building Code and other ordinances of the City. No final certificate of approval shall be given until all such appliances are in proper and safe working condition.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
1331.06 RECORDS.
   The Building Department shall keep comprehensive records of applications, permits issued, certificates issued, inspections made, reports rendered and notices or orders issued. It shall retain on file copies of required plans of residence buildings for a period of one year following completion of construction and on all other buildings for a period of two years following completion of construction. After the one or two year period herein required for the retention of plans following completion of construction, the Building Department may destroy such plans and make note on the building application records that they have been destroyed.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
1331.07 REPORTS.
      The Building Department shall make written reports to the Safety-Service Director and to Council once each month, or more often if requested, including statements of permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued, orders promulgated and receipts from building permits.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
   The Building Department may request and shall receive as far as may be necessary in the discharge of his its duties, the assistance and cooperation of other officials of the Municipality.
(Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)
   The Building Inspectors may at any reasonable hour, enter any dwelling, structure or premises within the Municipality to perform any duty imposed on him by this building code, provided that permission to enter is obtained from the occupant or, in the case of unoccupied property, from the owner or his agent. If such permission is refused or is otherwise unobtainable, a search warrant must be obtained before such entry or inspection is made, except in the case of an existing emergency in which case entry may be made at any time and no search warrant is necessary. No person shall refuse to permit such emergency entry or inspection, nor shall any person hinder, obstruct, resist or abuse any person making or attempting to make such entry or inspection. (Ord. 9-20. Passed 2-18-20.)