§ 22.24.030 CONTENT.
   (A)   The tentative map shall show the following in formation:
      (1)   Name, address of legal owner, sub-divider, and the person preparing the map, including registration number or license number;
      (2)   Assessor's parcel number;
      (3)   Date prepared, north arrow, scale, contour interval and date and source of existing contours;
      (4)   Existing and proposed land use;
      (5)   A vicinity map, sufficient to show the relation to the local community;
      (6)   Existing topography of the site and at least 100 feet from its boundary, including but not limited to:
         (a)   Existing contours at two-foot intervals, if the existing ground slope is less than 10% and not less than five-foot intervals for existing ground slopes of 10% or more. Existing contours shall be represented by screened or dashed lines;
         (b)   The approximate location and outline of existing structures identified by type. Structures to be removed shall be so marked;
         (c)   The location, width, and direction of flow of each watercourse;
         (d)   The location, pavement, and right-of-way width, and grade and name of existing streets or highways.
         (e)   The location, size, and slope of existing storm drains. The location of existing overhead utility on peripheral.
         (f)   The location, width and identity of existing easements;
      (7)   Any improvements proposed by the owner shall be shown;
      (8)   If the site is to be graded, proposed contours shall be shown or an approved grading plan shall be submitted;
      (9)   The proposed lot layout and lot areas;
      (10)    Proposed easements or rights-of-way;
      (11)    A preliminary report of title showing the current vested owner:
      (12)    A soils and/or engineering geology report may be required by the City Engineer.
   (B)   The City Engineer or Director of Community Development may waive any of the above requirements if the location or nature of the proposed subdivision does not need compliance with these requirements; or may require additional information as deemed necessary.
('86 Code, § 22.24.030) (Ord. 4120, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4735, passed 5-14-18)