Every interceptor shall be of proper design and of an adequate size to prevent sand, silt, grit, mineral material, petroleum solvent, grease or oil from entering the sewer. The size and design shall be as approved by the Building Inspector and City Engineer.
('86 Code, § 16.20.010) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51)
Every interceptor shall be so constructed and arranged that flowing wastes will not wash out or carry away any of the grease, sand or petroleum solvents previously collected in such interceptor. The Director of Public Works may require screens to be placed in interceptors to prevent rags from entering the public sewer.
('86 Code, § 16.20.020) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
Interceptors in place prior to September 18, 1951 which are found upon inspection to be of inadequate size or of improper design shall be revised as directed by the Director of Public Works within 30 days after notice upon penalty of immediate disconnection from the sewer and fine as provided in § 1.12.010 of this code. Notice of inadequate interception facilities shall be given by registered mail and shall be deemed effective as of the fifth day after receipt of the notice.
('86 Code, § 16.20.030) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51)
In the event a special type of interceptor is required to adequately protect the sewer, a competent engineer shall be retained to fully investigate the processes at the plant and provide adequate facilities for the retention of undesirable wastes by interceptors or other suitable means. The proposed design shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for his approval prior to installation and connection to the sewer.
('86 Code, § 16.20.040) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51)
The Director of Public Works may adopt, in writing, such test requirements as he finds necessary to determine the collecting efficiency of various types and kinds of interceptors and to establish the rate of flow, grease- or sand-retention capacity or other rating thereof. The Director of Public Works may revise from time to time, as he finds necessary, such test requirements.
('86 Code, § 16.20.050) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51)