(A) No connection from any building or other structure shall be made to any public sewer con-structed after September 18, 1951, if such connection or any portion thereof is in, under or upon any lot other than the lot on which such building or structure is located, except a house court or an auto trailer court.
(B) If a lot or parcel of land requiring a sewer connection is so situated that access to the public sewer is not possible except across some other lot or parcel of land, a sewer connection may be placed in a recorded public easement which includes the right to lay and maintain such connection and is appur-tenant to the lot or parcel of land to be served by such sewer connection.
('86 Code, § 16.12.120) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51)
When a public sewer is available every new building or existing building having a new plumbing system installed after September 18, 1951, shall have an independent house connection sewer connecting to the public sewer: except where one building stands in the rear of another building on an interior lot, a single house connection sewer may be used for connecting such buildings to the public sewer.
(Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51)
In every case where a plumbing outlet or plumbing fixture is installed or located below the elevation of the curb or property line, an approved type of backwater trap or an approved type of back-water sewer valve shall be installed between the outlet and the public sewer in such a manner as to prevent sewage from flowing back or backing up into any such outlet or plumbing fixture. Every such trap or valve shall be installed in the basement in a box, or manhole of concrete, cast iron or other material approved by the Building Inspector so that it will be readily accessible at all times. The trap or valve shall be placed only in the drain line serving the fixtures that are located below the elevation of the above mentioned curb or property line and no drainage from fixtures located above this elevation shall pass through such trap or valve.
('86 Code, § 16.12.140) (Ord. 2472, passed 9-18-51) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
Interceptors (clarifiers), including grease, oil, and sand, shall be provided when they are necessary for proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease, flammable waste, sand, solids, acid or alkaline substances or other ingredients harmful to the house connection or the public sewer system.