It is hereby declared to be unlawful wherever water is served by the city to use or permit the use of water in any refrigerating apparatus, ornamental fountain or other device in which the water so used is then permitted to flow wastefully. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the use of water in such refrigerating appliance, ornamental fountains or other devices, if water so used is circulated by means of pumps and motors in such fashion that the maximum conservation of water is obtained. In all instances in which the Water Superintendent may dis-cover that water furnished by the city is being used in violation of the terms of this section, he may, after having given reasonable notice of his intention so to do, cause the water to be shut off from the consumer using it in violation hereof. Such water shall remain shut off until such consumer shall have removed the appliance causing the wastage of water, or shall have installed pumping and other equipment adequate to secure the maximum use of such water and to prevent waste. The city shall collect the minimum amount of $5 for shutting water off and turning it on again in such cases. Violation of this section shall also constitute a misdemeanor.
('86 Code, § 15.04.130) (Ord. 2028, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3628, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010