All licenses for the conducting, carrying on or maintaining of any poolroom or billiard room shall be made conditional upon such poolroom or billiard room being closed to the public between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. of any day.
   (A)   All licenses for the conducting, carrying on or maintaining of any poolroom or billiard room in which or in conjunction with which any form of alcoholic beverage is served, shall also contain a condition that no minor shall be permitted to play in such poolroom or billiard room or to remain therein either as guest, visitor, spectator or otherwise, unless such minor be accompanied by his or her parent or guardian.
   (B)   All licenses for the conducting, carrying on or maintaining of any poolroom or billiard room in which or in conjunction with which no alcoholic beverage whatsoever is served, shall also contain the following conditions:
      (1)   No minor under the age of 14 years shall be permitted to play in such poolroom or billiard room or to remain therein either as a guest, visitor, spectator or otherwise at any time, unless such minor be accompanied by his or her parent or guardian.
      (2)   Any minor over the age of 14 years and under the age of 18 years may be permitted to play in such poolroom or billiard room or to be present therein prior to 10:00 p.m., of any day without being accompanied by his or her parent or guardian. After 10:00 p.m. of any such day, no such minor shall be permitted to play in such pool room or billiard room, or to remain therein, either as guest, visitor, spectator or otherwise, unless such minor be accompanied by his or her parent or guardian.
      (3)   Any person over the age of 18 years may be permitted to play in such poolroom or billiard room or to be present therein at any time such establishment may be open to the public without being accompanied by his or her parent or guardian.
   (C)   In addition to the foregoing conditions, the City Manager may impose any other reasonable conditions which he or she deems proper.
('86 Code, § 5.52.040) (Ord. 3144, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3260, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010