   3.50.010   Purpose
   3.50.015   Definitions
   3.50.020   Protests; objections
   3.50.025   Conduct of proceedings
   3.50.030   Professional services
   3.50.035   Contribution
   3.50.040   Lots; ownership
   3.50.050   Applicability of state law
   3.50.055   Combined districts
   3.50.056   Hearings
   3.50.060   Limitation of actions
   3.50.065   Validation action
   3.50.070   Supplemental assessments
   3.50.075   Existing districts
   3.50.080   Modification of district
Assessment Districts; Improvements
   3.50.085   Application
   3.50.090   Commencement of proceedings
   3.50.095   City Manager's actions
   3.50.100   Feasibility report
   3.50.110   Council action upon report
   3.50.120   Resolution of intention
   3.50.125   Notice
   3.50.128   Failure to give notice
   3.50.130   Hearing
   3.50.135   Formation of district
   3.50.140   Assessment report; assessment diagram; assessment roll
   3.50.145   Performing the work
   3.50.150   Modification after hearing
   3.50.155   Action on assessment diagram; assessment roll
   3.50.160   Recordation of diagram and roll
   3.50.165   Attachment of lien
   3.50.170   Issuance of bonds
   3.50.175   Authority for issuance of bonds
Assessment Districts; Services
   3.50.180   Application
   3.50.185   Commencement of proceedings
   3.50.190   City Manager's actions
   3.50.195   Feasibility report
   3.50.200   Council action upon report
   3.50.210   Resolution of intention
   3.50.215   Notice
   3.50.220   Failure to give notice
   3.50.222   Hearing
   3.50.224   Formation of district
   3.50.226   Performing the service
   3.50.228   Annual assessment hearings
   3.50.230   City Manager's report; annual hearing notice
   3.50.232   Assessment diagram; assessment roll
   3.50.235   Annual hearing
   3.50.240   Recordation of diagram and roll
   3.50.245   Attachment of lien
   3.50.250   Entry of amount on county tax roll
   3.50.255   County collection
   3.50.260   Net amount payable to Treasurer
   3.50.265   Duration of district
§ 3.50.010 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the enactment of the provisions of this chapter is to provide procedures for the creation of assessment districts for the construction of public improvements and/or for the providing of public services alternative to procedures established by state law.
('86 Code, § 3.50.010) (Ord. 3997, passed - - )
§ 3.50.015 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. An assessment diagram which sets forth a description of each lot included in the district which is to be assessed.
   ASSESSMENT DISTRICT or DISTRICT. An assessment district established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter having as its purpose the construction of an improvement and/or the providing of a service.
      (1)   When used in connection with a lot, the amount to be assessed against such lot pursuant to such assessment district; and
      (2)   When used in connection with an assessment district, the total amount proposed to be assessed against all lots included in the assessment district, including, but not limited to, district costs; the cost of construction of an improvement(s); the cost of performance of a service(s); the cost of acquisition of property or right-of-way; and costs of litigation, including damages, fees and court costs, relating to the district.
   AUTHORITY. The parking authority of the city.
   CLERK. The City Clerk.
   CITY COUNCIL. The City Council.
   CITY MANAGER. The City Manager or his designee.
   COMMISSION. A city commission authorized by the City Council to conduct assessment district proceedings.
   COUNTY. The county of Los Angeles.
   DISTRICT COSTS. All costs necessarily incurred in connection with the formation and/or implementation of an assessment district, including, but not limited to, the costs of administration, legal, engineering, accounting, financial or other services. DISTRICT COSTS shall not include:
      (1)   The cost of construction of an improve-ment; nor
      (2)   The cost of performance of a service; nor
      (3)   The cost of acquisition of property or right-of-way.
   ENGINEER. The person appointed for the purpose of performing engineering services in connec-tion with an assessment district.
   HEARING OFFICER. A qualified person designated by the City Council to conduct an assess-ment hearing pursuant to § 3.50.235 hereof.
   IMPROVEMENT. Any public work or public improvement proposed to be, or to be, constructed pursuant to an assessment district.
   IMPROVEMENT COST. The cost of construc-tion of an improvement.
   LOT. A parcel of real property proposed for inclusion, or included, within an assessment district.
   OWNER. That person or legal entity holding legal title to a lot proposed to be included, or included, in an assessment district.
   OBJECTION. A written objection filed by an owner of a lot objecting to the manner in which the improvement is proposed to be constructed, and/or the manner in which the service is to be performed, and/or the manner in which the assessment is proposed to be spread, and/or the amount of the total assessment or the assessment proposed to be made upon his or her lot, and/or the cost of the service.
   PROTEST. A written protest filed by an owner of a lot which is proposed to be included within an assessment district, protesting against the formation of such assessment district.
   REPORT, FEASIBILITY. The feasibility report required to be prepared prior to the formation of an assessment district. Such a feasibility report shall include sufficient information so as to describe the nature of the improvement or improvements proposed to be constructed, and/ or the service or services proposed to be performed; the boundaries of the proposed district, the estimated district costs; the estimated cost of construction of the improvement(s) and/or the estimated cost of the service(s); the cost of acquisition of land or an interest therein, if any; the estimated amount of the total assessment proposed to be assessed against the district; the method proposed to spread the assessment on lots included in the assessment district; the nature and extent of the benefits to be derived: and where feasible, an estimate of the amount of the assessment proposed to be made upon each lot.
   SERVICE. A service, or services, proposed to be, or to be, provided pursuant to an assessment district.
   SERVICE COST. The estimated annual cost of performing a service.
   ZONE. A geographic area included within an assessment district and specifically defined in a City Council resolution, which ZONE includes lots which will be benefited by the construction of an improve-ment(s) and/or the rendition of a service(s), and as to which the assessment upon such assessment district is proposed to be spread based upon a benefit formula which is applicable to each of the lots included within each such proposed ZONE. An assessment district created pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may include more than one ZONE.
('86 Code, § 3.50.015) (Ord. 3997, passed - - )
   (A)   Protest. The owner of any lot which is proposed for an inclusion within a proposed assess-ment district may file, at any time prior to the close of the formation hearing, a written protest, protesting the creation of such assessment district.
   (B)   Objection. Any person who is the owner of a lot which is included within an assessment district may, prior to the close of a formation or assessment hearing, file a written objection.
   (C)   Contents of protest/objection. Each written protest and/or objection shall contain the street address and the legal description of the lot to which it relates and the full name and mailing address of the person owning such lot, and such person's agent, if any. Each objection shall contain, in narrative style, a factual basis for such objection.
   (D)   Withdrawal. Any person filing a protest and/or an objection may, in writing, withdraw such protest and/or objection at any time after the filing thereof.
('86 Code, § 3.50.020) (Ord. 3997, passed - - )