(A)   During the time periods set forth in §§ 90.025 and 90.026, the owner/keeper of any dog impounded under the provisions of this chapter at the AAS, may redeem it from the ACO after first paying all costs, charges, and other penalties that have accrued up to the time of redemption which include, but are not limited to, feeding the animal and providing general or medical care to the animal.
   (B)   The costs and charges shall be a minimum fee per day or portion of the day that a dog is held in the AAS based on current state-approved amounts and/or as set by City Council from time to time. There shall be a minimum charge for each dog held in the AAS regardless of the length of time held based on current state-approved amounts and/or as set by City Council from time to time.
(Ord. 2022-005-C, passed 6-6-2022)