A.   Any person, firm or corporation violating section 5-4-2 of this chapter, in addition to the provisions of section 5-4-4 of this chapter, is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to section 3-1-3 of this code, plus the costs of prosecution.
   B.   Any person, firm or corporation violating section 5-4-3 of this chapter, in addition to the provisions of section 5-4-4 of this chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the penalty provided in section 3-1-3 of this code, plus the costs of prosecution in either case. (Ord., 5-4-1987; amd. 2005 Code; Ord. 2017-01, 1-3-2017; Ord. 2019-13, 12-16-2019)