An official copy of each regulatory code adopted herein, and official copies of all amendments thereto, shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk or Building Inspector. The copies shall be the official copies of the codes and the amendments.
(‘58 Code, §§ 4-3.4, 4-22.3, 4-34.4)(Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 21-40, passed 9-7-21)
The Inspection Department of the city shall consist of a Building Inspector, and may also include a Plumbing Inspector, a Heating-Air Conditioning Inspector, an Electrical Inspector, and any other inspectors or deputy or assistant inspectors as may be authorized by the City Council.
(‘58 Code, §§ 4-1, 4-9, 4-35)(Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 21-40, passed 9-7-21)
It shall be the duty of the Inspection Department to enforce all of the provisions of this chapter and of the regulatory codes adopted herein, and to make all inspections necessary to determine whether or not the provisions of this chapter and the codes are being met.
(Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 21-40, passed 9-7-21)
No officer or employee of the Inspection Department shall be financially interested in the furnishing of labor, material, or appliances for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of a building or any part thereof, or in the making of plans or specifications therefor, unless he is the owner of the building. No officer or employee of the Inspection Department shall engage in any work which is inconsistent with his duties or with the interests of the city.
(‘58 Code, §§ 4-2, 4-10, 4-36)(Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 21-40, passed 9-7-21)