   The Chief of Police shall have immediate direction and control of the members of the Police Department, subject to the supervision of the City Manager and to rules, regulations, and orders that the City Council may prescribe.
('58 Code, § 11-4)
   The Chief of Police or any policeman of the city shall have authority, if resisted in the execution of their lawful duties, to summon a sufficient number of men to aid them in enforcing the law, and it shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to assist. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
('58 Code, § ll-7) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
   The Chief of Police and other policemen shall have the power, without a warrant, to enter the enclosure and house of any person when they have good reason to believe that any felony or infamous crime has been or is about to be committed therein. If necessary, the Chief of Police and other policemen may summon a posse to aid them, and all persons so summoned shall have like authority to enter.
('58 Code, § 11-8)
   The Chief of Police and other policemen shall wear those uniforms as shall be prescribed by the City Council and the metallic badge now in use, which shall be worn on the breast of the coat. The uniforms shall always be worn whenever the officers shall be on duty, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council.
('58 Code, § 11-10)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, hamper, molest, resist, or hinder a policeman in the lawful discharge of his duty. A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
('58 Code, § 11-11) (Am. Ord. 22-01, passed 1-3-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Auxiliary police officers shall be under the direct control of the Chief of Police, acting under general supervision of the City Manager. All appointments and removals of an auxiliary police officer shall be made in the same manner and under the same policies and procedures as established for appointment and removal of regular police officers.
   (B)   The duties of an auxiliary police officer shall be to assist the regular members of the police department in the enforcement of the law and the maintenance of peace and order when called to duty by the Chief of Police. The rules and regulations to govern an auxiliary police officer shall be established by the Chief of Police in accordance with the policies and procedures of the city and the police department.
   (C)   The auxiliary law enforcement personnel shall be entitled to benefits under the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act and to any fringe benefits for which such volunteer personnel qualify.
(Ord. 04-13, passed 5-3-04)
§ 30.09 ABC PERMITS.
   (A)   The Chief of Police of the city Police Department, or his or her designee is designated the official of the city authorized to make recommendations on behalf of the City Council concerning the suitability of a person or of the location of a facility for an ABC permit within the Police Department’s jurisdiction pursuant to G.S. § 18B-904(f).
   (B)   In making the recommendations the Police Department may (1) access the SBI/DCI Criminal History Record Information to obtain criminal information on all persons applying for proposed locations within the city; (2) will obtain the criminal history information on each applicant based on identification information regarding the applicant based on identification information regarding the applicant contained in the notice of permit pursuant to G.S. § 18B-901(c).
(Ord. 09-06, passed 2-2-09)
   (A)   The Chief of the city Police Department, or his or her designee, is designated Homeland Security Director for the city.
   (B)   Authority of Director; criminal record applicants. The Homeland Security Director shall be and he or she is hereby vested with the power and authority granted, and subject to the duties imposed on the Director of Home and Security by G.S. § 114-19 with respect to obtaining the criminal record of persons applying for a paid or voluntary position with a fire department or emergency medical service. Prior to denial or termination of employment based upon CHRI received from the criminal justice agency, the non-criminal entity shall verify the existence of a record by either obtaining a certified public record or by submitting a fingerprint card of the individual to the CIIS for verification that the CHRI record belongs to the individual.
(Ord. 09-04, passed 2-2-09)