Clustering of a development is allowed in all watershed areas (except WS-I) under the following conditions:
   (A)   Unless specified herein, all proposed cluster subdivisions shall comply with all city subdivision and zoning requirements.
   (B)   Minimum lot sizes and dimensions shall be determined based upon permitted reductions to lot size and setbacks within this title pertaining to cluster subdivisions. The total number of lots shall not exceed the maximum number of lots allowed for single-family detached developments in § 94.15. For the purpose of calculating maximum number of lots in a cluster subdivision in the watershed, the reduction for open space, roadways, and other infrastructure in Ch. 91 shall not be used, however, inclusion of those items in the subdivision shall still be required as specified by city ordinance.
   (C)   Built upon area or stormwater control requirements of the project shall not exceed that maximum allowed for the critical area in § 94.15, or balance of watershed, whichever applies. For the purpose of determining built-upon area within a cluster subdivision, the collective area of all building envelopes for potential future improvements on all lots after all applicable setbacks are applied shall be considered along with stormwater control areas as a percent of the total project area.
   (D)   The remainder of the tract, with the exception of any areas required for active use amenities, shall remain in a vegetated or natural state. All open areas shall be maintained in perpetuity as provided for in this title.
(Ord. 93-22, passed 6-24-93; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 22-72, passed 11-21-22)