Members of the Board may be removed by the city governing board for cause, including violation of the rules stated below:
   (A)   Faithful attendance at meetings of the Board and conscientious performance of the duties required of members of the Board shall be considered a prerequisite to continuing membership on the Board.
   (B)   No Board member shall take part in the hearing, consideration, or determination of any case in which he is personally or financially interested. A Board member shall have a "financial interest" in a case when a decision in the case will cause him or his spouse to experience a direct financial benefit or loss, or will cause a business in which he or his spouse owns a 10t or greater interest, or is involved in a decisionmaking role, to experience a direct financial benefit or loss. A Board member shall have a "personal interest" in a case when it involves a member of his immediate family (such as, parent, spouse, or child).
   (C)   No Board member shall discuss any case with any parties thereto prior to the public hearing on that case; provided, however, that members may receive and/or seek information pertaining to the case from the Watershed Administrator or any other member of the Board, its secretary or clerk prior to the hearing.
   (D)   Members of the Board shall not express individual opinions on the proper judgement of any case prior to its determination on that case.
   (E)   Members of the Board shall give notice to the Chairman at least 48 hours prior to the hearing of any potential conflict of interest which he has in a particular case before the Board.
   (F) No Board member shall vote on any matter that decides an application or appeal unless he had attended the public hearing on that application or appeal.
(Ord. 93-22, passed 6-24-93; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)