A member of the Village Planning Commission shall declare a conflict of interest in connection with a matter pending before the Planning Commission and shall disqualify himself or herself from deliberating and voting on the matter when any of the following circumstances exist.
(A) The applicant is the child, grandchild, great-grandchild, parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, brother, sister, nephew, niece, aunt, or uncle of the Planning Commission member or the member’s spouse.
(B) The Planning Commission member or the member’s spouse, parent, child, or any relative residing in the member’s household has a pecuniary interest in the outcome of the matter.
(C) The Planning Commission member or the member’s spouse resides on or has an ownership interest in land within 300 feet of the parcel regarding which the decision is to be made.
(D) While being a member of the Planning Commission, the member has made statements or taken any action outside the formal decision making process that would suggest that he or she has prejudged the matter before the Planning Commission or would in any way preclude him or her from affording the applicant and the public a fair hearing.
(E) If the Planning Commission member has expressed an opinion concerning a matter before the Planning Commission prior to becoming a member of the Planning Commission and cannot in good faith set aside that prior opinion and decide the matter based on the information provided at the public hearing and the zoning ordinance requirements.
(F) The Planning Commission member concludes in good faith that because of prior business or personal relationships with the applicant or with other participants in the public hearing process, or for other reasons, he or she cannot afford the applicant and the public a fair hearing.
(Ord. 5 of 2018, passed 2-12-2018)