The Board of Commissioners hereby delegates its authority to the office of the City Manager to review proposals by property owners desiring to dedicate public ways in the form of public utility easements and/or Right-of-ways; and if such requests are deemed to be in the City of Alamo’s best interests, then the City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to accept said proposals as ROW and/or public easements. The City Manager is expected to consult with the City’s consulting engineering firm and/or the Planning Director to help discern the interest involved. If the proposal is determined to ‘not’ be in the city’s best interests, then the request will be ‘Denied1 with the owner/agent being promptly informed; whereafter, should the owner and/or agent desire to present their proposal directly to the Board of Commissioners, then a filing fee of $50 shall be paid prior to the item appearing on the Commission’s agenda. The Board of Commissioners will then review the proposal, and their action shall be final and conclusive. The Board of Commissioners expresses that this delegation of ‘Acceptance’ authority bestowed to the City Manager’s Office shall be deemed retroactive to previous acceptance actions by former or the current City Manager to ROWs and/or public easements already dedicated of which the City is the steward thereof. (Ord. 137-10-2024, 10-1-2024)