17.150.090 Revocation
   (a)   Authority
      The Planning Commission, or the City Council on appeal, may, after required public hearings have been held and action has been taken in the manner prescribed in this Zoning Code, revoke or modify any Location and Development Plan on one or more of the following grounds:
      (1)   That the approval was obtained by fraud, or that the applicant made a materially false representation on the subject application; or
      (2)    That the Location and Development Plan is being or recently has been exercised contrary to, or in violation of, the terms or conditions of such approval or other authorization; or
      (3)    That the Location and Development Plan is being or recently has been exercised in violation of any statute, law, or regulation; or,
      (4)    That the construction and development, activity, or use for which approval was granted, or other use(s) not directly related, is exercised in a manner detrimental to the public health and safety or in a manner which constitutes a nuisance.
      (5)   Violations of any conditions of approval for any permit shall be addressed in the same manner as violations of the Code.
   (b)   Proceedings
      (1)   Hearing Required
         The Planning Commission secretary shall schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission to consider the revocation, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17.100 of this Zoning Code. Noticing shall be required only of the owner or owners of the property affected by the Location and Development Plan, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.100.040.
      (2)   Findings Required
         In acting to revoke a Location and Development Plan, the Planning Commission shall make written findings citing the reasons for the revocation.
   (c)   Effective Date
      (1)   A revocation of a Location and Development Plan shall not become effective until the Planning Commission has adopted a Resolution revoking such approval or status, and until the time period to appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council has lapsed with no appeal being filed.
      (2)   In the event an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision is appropriately filed, the revocation will become effective when the City Council adopts a Resolution revoking such approval or status.
      (3)   The City Clerk shall notify the property owner in writing of the Planning Commission's and City Council's action.
   (d)   Right of Appeal
      The property owner, applicant, or other interested party may appeal to the City Council a decision of the Planning Commission to revoke or not revoke a Location and Development Plan. The appeal shall be filed and considered in accordance with the provisions of the Adelanto Municipal Code.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit N, 5/22/13.]