17.100.040 Notice of Public Hearings
   (a)   Notice Required
      Unless otherwise required, no less than ten (10) days prior to the date of a hearing on applications for a land use action requiring public hearing, as specified in Table 100-1, the Planning Director shall give notice of the scheduled hearing. The notice shall include the time, place, identity of the hearing body or officer, nature of the application, and the general location of the property under consideration.
   (b)   Method of Noticing
      The Director shall observe the noticing requirements set forth as follows:
      (1)    A copy of the notice shall be posted in two (2) places in the City of Adelanto.
      (2)   The notice shall be mailed first-class postage prepaid to the following parties: applicant; property owner or the owner's agent; all persons whose names and addresses appear on the latest available assessment roll of the County of San Bernardino as owners of property within a distance of seven hundred feet (700’) for subdivisions of 20 acres or more, or for all other projects, within a distance of three hundred feet (300’), from the exterior boundaries of the property, or properties, for which the application is filed; anyone filing a written request for notification; and, to such other persons whose property might, in the Director's judgment, be affected by the establishment of the use, development, or zone requested.
      (3)   If the Director finds that the posting and mailing of notices prescribed elsewhere in this Section may not give sufficient notice to the required property owners, then additional notices shall be posted. Such additional notices may be posted at locations deemed best suited to reach the attention of, and inform, those persons who may be affected.
      (4)   When the proposed use or amendment affects more than one thousand (1,000) property owners, the City may provide notice by placing a display advertisement in a newspaper circulated within the City of Adelanto.
      (5)   The notice shall be sent to public officers, departments, bureaus, or agencies which are determined by the Director to be affected by the application or otherwise appropriate. In the case of a hearing for the manufacture or storage of hazardous materials, such notification must include the Fire Chief.
      (6)   When a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report is recommended for adoption pursuant to Section 21080(C), 21083, 21091 of the State Public Resources Code, notice of the hearing shall be given as set forth in Section 21091 of the Public Resources Code, which sets forth minimum review periods for Negative Declaration and Environmental Impact Reports.
   (c)   Evidence of Notice
      When notice of a hearing is given pursuant to this Chapter, the following documentation shall be deemed sufficient to serve as proof that such notice was given:
      (1)   Publication - An affidavit of publication by the newspaper in which the publication was made.
      (2)   Mail or other delivery - An affidavit or proof of mailing/delivery must be made, showing, at a minimum, the date or dates of mail/delivery and the list of persons and groups to which the mail/delivery was made.
      (3)   Posting - An affidavit or proof of posting must show the date or dates of posting and the location at which the posting was made.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit M, 5/22/13.]