17.140.020 Proposed Actions Subject to Minor Variance Application
A Minor Variance application shall be filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.100.020 whenever any of the following deviations from the provisions of this Zoning Code are proposed:
   (a)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction in the number of required parking or loading spaces.
   (b)   Up to a forty percent (40%) reduction of the required front yard, provided that a setback of at least fifteen feet (15') to the front property line is maintained
   (c)   Up to a forty percent (40%) reduction of the required side yard setback, provided that a setback of at least three feet (3') is maintained, consistent with the requirements of the applicable Fire Code.
   (d)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction of the required rear yard setback.
   (e)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction of the required minimum lot coverage standard.
   (f)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) increase in the maximum height. Any height increase of not more than two feet (2') shall be considered a Minor Variance.
      Any other deviation shall be considered a Major Variance and subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.135 of this Zoning Code.