EMERGENCY VEHICLES: Vehicles operated by a fire depart ment or law enforcement agency of the State or political sub division of the State or an ambulance.
No person shall engage in the business or occupation of vehicle escort service unless or until obtaining a license so to do. Applications for an escort license shall be filed with the County Clerk. The application shall show:
   A.   The names, ages, and addresses of all persons having an interest in said business.
   B.   The present and previous occupations covering a period of three (3) years of all persons having an interest in the business.
   C.   The name and address of the business.
   D.   Payment of a fee in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00).
   E.   An applicant who was not licensed by this Chapter for the year immediately preceding the current application shall be required to be fingerprinted by an appropriate agency designated by the County Clerk. Cost of taking and processing such fingerprints shall be borne by the applicant.
No person shall be engaged as, or shall perform the services of, a vehicle escort unless or until he/she obtains a license so to do. Applications for such license shall be filed with the County Clerk. The application shall show:
   A.   Name, age, and resident address of the applicant.
   B.   Present and previous occupation covering a period of three (3) years prior to the date of application.
   C.   The number of years the applicant has operated a motor vehicle or motorcycle, or both.
   D.   Whether the applicant owns or possesses a motor vehicle or motorcycle, and the make, identification number, model, and year of either or both.
   E.   The recommendations of at least three (3) reputable individuals recommending that such license be granted.
   F.   Valid Idaho driver license.
   G.   Payment of a fee in the amount twenty dollars ($20.00).
   H.   An applicant who was not licensed by this Chapter for the year immediately preceding the current application shall be required to be fingerprinted by an appropriate agency designated by the County Clerk. Cost of taking and processing such fingerprints shall be borne by the applicant.
No license shall be issued to any person to act as a vehicle escort who:
   A.   Is not over eighteen (18) years of age.
   B.   Has not resided within the State for a continuous period of at least six (6) months preceding the date of application.
   C.   Has been convicted in any court within a period of three (3) years of an offense of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, reckless driving, failing to stop at or report an accident, or any felony.
   A.   The Board of County Commissioners shall duly consider and evaluate all new applications and renewal applications for escort licenses for businesses and individuals, and after so evaluating, shall determine to grant or deny each application in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
   B.   If the Board of County Commissioners so order, the County Clerk shall issue a license for a vehicle escort business or individual and it shall contain the name of the business or individual and year for which issued. The license for an escort business shall be in the form of a placard or certificate. The license for a vehicle escort individual shall be in the shape of a badge.
   C.   The licenses herein provided shall be issued for a calendar year and may be renewed by the Board of County Commissioners after consideration and upon payment of the license fees provided herein. (Ord. 220, 5-17-90)
   D.   If the Board of County Commissioners shall find that a licensee has made any false material statements in the application for a license, or did not have, or has not retained, the qualifications for vehicle escort, or has acquired a disqualification for vehicle escort or for other good cause, the Board of County Commissioners shall suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew such escort license.
      1.   No pleadings shall be necessary and any hearing before the Board of County Commissioners shall be informal.
      2.   Prior to any revocation or suspension, the licensee shall be granted the opportunity for a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners which hearing shall be held not later than fourteen (14) days after written notice to the licensee of intent to revoke or suspend. Such notice shall specify the date, time and place of hearing and shall be delivered to the licensee personally or mailed to the licensee at the address set forth in the license application. If, after such public hearing, the County Commissioners determine that one or more of the grounds for revocation exists, they shall revoke the license. The decision of the Board of County Commissioners shall be final. (Ord. 220, 5-17-90; amd. Ord. 221, 5-17-90)
   E.   No license may be transferred to another person, unless the transferee shall have first obtained the approval of the Board of County Commissioners to the transfer upon application by the transferee pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. The fee for such a transfer of a license shall be twenty dollars ($20.00). (Ord. 243, 3-30-92)
Any license issued hereunder shall limit the licensee to provide vehicle escort service for, and to escort, funeral or other processions, parades, and moving buildings, structures or equipment.
No driver of any vehicle shall drive such vehicle between vehicles comprising a funeral procession while such procession is en route if the vehicles comprising the funeral procession are designated and escorted as provided by this Chapter. This Section shall not apply to drivers of emergency vehicles.
Upon the immediate approach of a funeral procession, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the nearest edge or curb of the highway lawful for parking and clear of any intersection and stop and remain in that position until the funeral procession has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer or escort officer. (Ord. 220, 5-17-90)
Each motor vehicle participating in a funeral procession shall display illuminated headlights and shall follow not to exceed thirty feet (30') behind the preceding vehicle, and when accompanied by police escort or escort service shall have the right of way at street intersections over other vehicles, except authorized emergency vehicles. (Ord. 220, 5-17-90; amd. Ord. 221, 5-17-90)