6-1-1: Adoption Of Idaho Motor Vehicle Laws
6-1-2: Motor Vehicle License Fees
6-1-3: Motor Vehicle Emissions Control (Rep. by Ord. 953, 6-5-2023)
6-1-4: Air Compression Brakes
That certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file at the office of the county clerk, being marked and identified as the Idaho motor vehicle laws, and published annually by the authority of the Idaho department of transportation, Boise, Idaho, be and the same is hereby adopted as the motor vehicle laws of the county, for the regulation of motor vehicles and motor vehicle traffic outside the municipal boundaries of the various incorporated cities within Ada County, and said Idaho motor vehicle laws, and any subsequent amendments enacted into law by the Idaho legislature, contained in said document, or its subsequent editions, are hereby adopted and made a part hereof, as if set forth in full. (Ord. 131, 9-21-1983)
   A.   Form Of Citations: When citations are issued for violations of this section, a reference to the corresponding Idaho motor vehicle law shall be made on the citation in the following manner:
      .114 A violation of I.C. §49-114, Display of Plates and Tags, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .116 A violation of I.C. §49-116, Registration to be Renewed, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .233 A violation of I.C. §49-233, Required Motor Vehicle Insurance, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .245 A violation of I.C. §49-245, Certificate or Proof of Liability Insurance to be Carried in Motor Vehicle, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .307 A violation of I.C. §49-307, Operators and Chauffeurs Must be Licensed, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .320 A violation of I.C. §49-320, Restricted Licenses, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .612 A violation of I.C. §49-612, Traffic Control Signal Legend, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .626 A violation of I.C. §49-626, Further Limitations on Driving Left of Center of Roadway, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .627 A violation of I.C. §49-627, No Passing Zones, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .630 A violation of I.C. §49-630, Following Too Closely, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .642 A violation of I.C. §49-642, Vehicle Turning Left, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .643 A violation of I.C. §49-643, Stop Signs and Yield Signs, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .644 A violation of I.C. §49-644, Vehicle Entering Roadway, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .661 A violation of I.C. §49-661, Required Position and Method of Turning, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .681 A violation of I.C. §49-681, Basic Rule and Maximum Speed Limits, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .693 A violation of I.C. §49-693, Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specific Places, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .702 A violation of I.C. §49-702, Limitations on Backing, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .711 A violation of I.C. §49-711, Putting Glass, Etc. on Highway Prohibited, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .801A A violation of I.C. §49-801A, Slow Moving Vehicles - Definition, Restriction, Equipment - Emblems on Certain Machinery, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .801B A violation of I.C. §49-801B, Fertilizer Trailers - Defined as Implements of Husbandry - Operational Restrictions, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .801C A violation of I.C. §49-801C, Scope and Effect of Regulations, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .837 A violation of I.C. §49-837, Windshields Must be Unobstructed and Equipped with Wipers, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .837A A violation of I.C. §49-837A, Prohibiting use of Certain Applications on Windshields, Certain Windows or Headlamps in Motor Vehicles - Exterior Mirrors - Sales Prohibited - Penalty, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .1002 A violation of I.C. §49-1002, Accidents Involving Damage to Vehicle, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .1004 A violation of I.C. §49-1004, Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .1006 A violation of I.C. §49-1006, Immediate Notice of Accidents, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .1103 A violation of I.C. §49-1103, Reckless Driving, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .1132 A violation of I.C. §49-1132, Overtaking and Passing School Bus, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code.
      .2703 A violation of I.C. §49-2703, Requirements - Registration - Procedure, shall be cited as a violation of this section of the Ada County code. (Ord. 167, 3-12-1987)
   A.   Short Title And Purpose: This section shall be known as and cited as the ADA COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSE FEE ORDINANCE enacted to provide funds sufficient to pay the expense incurred by Ada County in its exercise of duties relating to vehicle licensure and issuance of a motor vehicle title.
   B.   Definitions: All words and phrases not specifically defined in this chapter will be given their ordinary, commonly understood and accepted meanings.
   C.   Administrative Fees: Pursuant to section 31-870, Idaho Code, an administrative fee for vehicle licensure or for issuance of a motor vehicle title, or both, shall be collected in addition to each motor vehicle registration tax or fee collected under the provisions of sections 49-402 and 49-434, Idaho Code. In addition, the county shall collect postage and a handling fee whenever mail out registration services are performed by the Ada County assessor's office, motor vehicle department. Postage shall be charged at the rate set by the U.S. postal service. Administrative and handling fees are to be set by resolution of the board of county commissioners, and shall be enacted when duly voted upon by the board of county commissioners. These fees shall be paid to the county treasurer and be placed in the county's current expense fund.
   D.   Code Priority: Requirements specifically addressed by more than one code will be in accordance with the most restrictive code adopted herein. (Ord. 119, 9-21-1981; amd. Ord. 119-2-84, 12-12-1984; amd. Ord. 190, 7-7-1988; amd. Ord. 281, 11-3-1994; amd. Ord. 513, 8-5-2003; amd. Ord. 611, 3-14-2006; amd. Ord. 956, - -2023, eff. 7-1-2023)
Repealed by Ord. 953, 6-5-2023.