   94.01   Definitions
   94.02   Establishment
   94.03   Sale of lots
   94.04   Conditions of lot purchase
   94.05   Handling of funds
   94.06   Burial permits
   94.07   Interments
   94.08   Burial vaults
   94.09   Funeral supervision
   94.10   Disinterment and removal
   94.11   Transfer of lots
   94.12   City repurchase of unused cemetery lot
   94.13   Conduct of persons in the cemetery
   94.14   Monuments and markers
   94.15   Foundations
   94.16   Installation of monuments and markers
   94.17   Mausoleums
   94.18   Columbarium niches
   94.19   Decoration of lots
   94.20   Hours
   94.21   Hazardous monuments/markers
   94.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BURIAL PERMIT. Legal written permission for burial to occur.
   BURIAL VAULT. A container that houses a casket for final interment in the cemetery.
   CEMETERY. A tract of land used for burials or above-ground interment.
   CITY. The City of Aurora, Minnesota, owning and controlling the cemetery.
   COLUMBARIUM. Above-ground repository composed of niches to hold cremation urns.
   INTERMENT. Disposition of human remains or cremains by burial or entombment.
   MARKER. A memorial of granite or other approved material that does not extend above the surface of the lawn.
   MAUSOLEUMS. An external free-standing building enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or persons.
   MEMORIAL. A monument, marker bench, or large urns (marked or unmarked).
   MONUMENT. A memorial of granite or other approved material that extends above the surface of the lawn.
(Ord. 68, passed 6-3-2014)
   A cemetery has been established and is continued upon land owned by the city, and described as Forest Hill Cemetery. The plat of the cemetery filed with the county recorder in St. Louis County, Minnesota, is adopted as the official plat of the cemetery. No person shall lay out or establish any cemetery, or use any lot of land within this city for the burial of dead except in Forest Hill Cemetery, or some other tract of land duly designated as a cemetery.
(Ord. 68, passed 6-3-2014)
§ 94.03 SALE OF LOTS.
   The prices of cemetery lots and services will be set by resolution of the City Council. Any person paying for a lot is entitled to a license agreement conveying the lot. A license agreement conveying a lot gives the purchaser only the right of burial therein and shall be considered as a license that restricts the use to burial purposes. Sale of lots between individuals is prohibited.
(Ord. 68, passed 6-3-2014)