All plans prepared for primary or secondary plat approval shall be prepared in accordance with the following specifications.
   (A)   General. If more than one page is used, each page shall be numbered sequentially. All plans must be legible and of sufficient quality to provide for quality reproduction or recording.
   (B)   Sketch plans for conceptual plat review.
      (1)   A sketch plan submitted for conceptual plat review may be an engineered drawing or a hand drawn plan, prepared at a useable scale (typically, no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet), which depicts:
         (a)   Property boundaries, nearby or adjacent streets and surrounding land uses sufficient to clearly identify the location of the proposed subdivision;
         (b)   Major site features (i.e., streets, easements, drainage ways, substantial topography, burial grounds, wooded areas, wetlands or existing structures);
         (c)   Conceptual layouts of proposed streets, lots, common areas, tree preservation areas, open space, sidewalks (or alternate plan for pedestrian ways), drainage features and the like;
         (d)   Proposed uses for the lots*;
         (e)   Location, size and capacity of major utility sources proposed to service the subdivision*;
         (f)   Proposals for street or roadway improvements required to support the subdivision;
         (g)   Proposed easements necessary to service all lots, including, but not limited to, utilities, drainage features and access;
         (h)   Required setbacks or proposed building lines;
         (i)   Potential for future extension of streets, sewers and drainage systems to surrounding tracts; and
         (j)   Nature and extent of any development incentives pursuant to Ch. 194 of this code of ordinances or waivers of this chapter proposed for the subdivision.*
      (2)   * Denotes items which may be provided in text form as a supplement to the sketch plan. The Building Commissioner, in his or her sole discretion, may waive or relax any of the sketch plan requirements listed above, as circumstances dictate.
   (C)   Plans for primary plat approval of major residential subdivisions.
      (1)   A plan of the proposed primary plat of a major residential subdivision shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet and shall include:
         (a)   Scale, date and north arrow;
         (b)   Legal description of the real estate to be subdivided;
         (c)   Area map insert showing the general location of the proposed subdivision with reference to major streets and section lines as well as all school district lines and the zoning district properly designated;
         (d)   Name of the subdivision (if a replat of an existing subdivision), proposed name for the subdivision (which shall not duplicate the name of any subdivision plat previously recorded or any subdivision plat for which primary approval is still in effect) or name by which property is locally known;
         (e)   Name, address, telephone number of the owner. If applicable, name address and telephone number of the agent representing the owner. Citation of last deed of record conveying title to each parcel involved in the proposed subdivision, including name of grantor, grantee, date and recording information;
         (f)   Name, address and telephone number of the developer and any design professional(s) responsible for the design of the subdivision, design of public improvements or for surveys;
         (g)   The complete text of any existing covenants on the property (if applicable);
         (h)   Accurate boundary lines of the proposed subdivision showing distances, bearings, angles and references to section corners, township and range lines;
         (i)   Location, width, dimension from the centerline and name of all existing and proposed public or private streets, access easements and rights-of-way located on and adjacent to the site;
         (j)   Location, sizes, elevations and slopes of all existing utility facilities and easements, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, water, storm water management, electric, gas, telephone and cable;
         (k)   The location of all fire hydrants, water supply improvements and boundary lines of proposed districts indicating all improvements proposed to be served, shall be shown on the primary plat and the cost of installing all fire hydrants and water supply improvements shall be included in the performance bond furnished by the subdivider;
         (l)   Preliminary proposals for connection with existing sanitary sewer, water, storm water management, electric, gas, telephone and cable utilities;
         (m)   Layout, number and dimensions of all lots with proposed setback lines;
         (n)   Location, delineation and elevation of all floodway and floodway fringe areas within the boundaries of the subdivision;
         (o)   Proposed finished floor elevation of all building pads adjacent to or within the floodplain;
         (p)   Drainage plan for all watersheds in and around the proposed subdivision, indicating the general drainage pattern of streets and lots, the location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, the proposed method of disposing of all storm water runoff from the proposed subdivision including data to show that the proposed outlet(s) are adequate to accommodate the drainage requirements of the subdivision, and all existing and proposed detention facilities;
         (q)   Names of all legal ditches and streams on or adjacent to the subdivision;
         (r)   A preliminary erosion control plan for all areas of site disturbance;
         (s)   Topographic contour every two feet superimposed upon the proposed subdivision plat; provided that, the Building Commissioner may require one-foot intervals on very flat land or permit five- foot intervals on very steep slopes;
         (t)   All improvements to the street system on-site and off-site, including measurement of curb radius and taper;
         (u)   Sidewalk plan (or alternate plan for pedestrian ways, when applicable);
         (v)   Preliminary plans and specifications for all infrastructure improvements and installations required or proposed in the subdivision;
         (w)   The approximate location, dimensions and area of all parcels of land proposed to be reserved for park, conservation, wetland, common area, lake or other similar uses for the use of property owners within the proposed subdivision;
         (x)   Proposed covenants, commitments, conditions and restrictions for the subdivision;
         (y)   If the subdivision is to be developed in sections, an indication of the approximate section boundaries;
         (z)   A proposed address plan for the subdivision consistent with the address patterns established for the town and county;
         (aa)   1.   A traffic impact study (when a proposed development meets or exceeds the warrants of the INDOT Applicant’s Guide to Traffic Impact Studies (i.e., 150 or more dwelling units; 15,000 square feet or more of retail space; 35,000 or more square feet of office space; 70,000 square feet or more square feet of industrial space; 30,000 square feet or more of educational space; 120 or more occupied rooms; 46,000 or more square feet of medical space; or any mixed use development which generates 100 or more peak hour trips in the peak direction), or as requested and justified in writing by the Building Commissioner.
            2.   The definition of a traffic impact study, documentation required in its submission, and procedures for its review and analysis shall be per the state’s Department of Transportation Applicant’s Guide to Traffic Impact Studies, approved 4-23-1996, which document is incorporated into this chapter by reference. Two copies of the Applicant’s Guide to Traffic Impact Studies are on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the town.
         (bb)   Any other information requested in writing by the Building Commissioner, Town Engineer or the Plan Commission deemed important to the development of the subdivision.
      (2)   The Building Commissioner, in his or her sole discretion, may waive or relax any of the requirements listed above for a primary plat of a major residential subdivision, as circumstances dictate.
   (D)   Plans required for primary plat approval of minor residential subdivisions.
      (1)   A plan of the proposed primary plat of a minor residential subdivision shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet and shall include:
         (a)   Scale, date and north arrow;
         (b)   Legal description of the real estate to be subdivided;
         (c)   Area map insert showing the general location of the proposed subdivision with reference to major streets and section lines as well as all school district lines and zoning districts properly designated;
         (d)   Proposed name of the subdivision;
         (e)   Name, address, telephone number of the owner. If applicable, name address and telephone number of the agent representing the owner. Citation of last deed of record conveying title to each parcel involved in the proposed subdivision, including name of grantor, grantee, date and recording information;
         (f)   Accurate boundary lines of the proposed subdivision showing distance, bearings, angles and references to section corners, township and range lines;
         (g)   Names, centerlines and right-of-way widths of all existing streets, alleys and easements affecting or providing service to the proposed subdivision;
         (h)   Layout, number and dimension of all lots with proposed setback lines;
         (i)   The complete text of any existing covenants on the property (if applicable);
         (j)   Location, delineation and elevation of all floodway and floodway fringe areas within the boundaries of the subdivision;
         (k)   Location of all existing and proposed utility facilities and easements, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, water, storm water management, electric, gas, telephone and cable, if applicable;
         (l)   All improvements to the street system on-site and off-site, including measurement of curb radius and taper;
         (m)   Sidewalk plan (or alternate plan for pedestrian ways, when applicable);
         (n)   The approximate location, dimensions and area of all parcels of land proposed to be reserved for park, conservation, wetland, common area, lake or other similar uses for the use of property owners within the proposed subdivision;
         (o)   Proposed covenants, commitments, conditions and restrictions for the subdivision;
         (p)   A proposed address plan for the subdivision consistent with the address patterns established for the town and the county; and
         (q)   Any other information requested in writing by the Building Commissioner, Town Engineer or the Plan Commission deemed important to the development of the subdivision.
      (2)   The Building Commissioner, in his or her sole discretion, may waive or relax any of the requirements listed above for a primary plat of a minor residential subdivision, as circumstances dictate.
   (E)   Plans for primary plat approval of non-residential subdivisions.
      (1)   A primary plat of the proposed subdivision drawn to a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, which includes:
         (a)   Scale, date and north arrow;
         (b)   Legal description of the real estate to be subdivided;
         (c)   Area map insert showing the general location of the proposed subdivision with reference to major streets and section lines as well as all school district lines and zoning district properly designated;
         (d)   Name of the subdivision (if a replat of an existing subdivision), proposed name for the subdivision (which shall not duplicate the name of any subdivision plat previously recorded or any subdivision plat for which primary approval is still in effect), or name by which property is locally known;
         (e)   Name, address, telephone number of the owner. If applicable, name address and telephone number of the agent representing the owner. Citation of last deed of record conveying title to each parcel involved in the proposed subdivision, including name of grantor, grantee, date and recording information;
         (f)   Name, address and telephone number of the developer and any design professional(s) responsible for the design of the subdivision, design of public improvements or for surveys;
         (g)   The complete text of any existing covenants on the property (if applicable);
         (h)   Accurate boundary lines of the proposed subdivision showing distance, bearings, angles and references to section corners, township and range lines;
         (i)   Location, width, dimension from the centerline and name of all existing and proposed public or private streets, access easements and rights-of-way located on and adjacent to the site;
         (j)   Location, sizes, elevations and slopes of all existing utility facilities and easements, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, water, storm water management, electric, gas, telephone and cable;
         (k)   The location of all fire hydrants, water supply improvements and boundary lines of proposed districts indicating all improvements proposed to be served, shall be shown on the primary plat and the cost of installing all fire hydrants and water supply improvements shall be included in the performance bond furnished by the subdivider;
         (l)   Preliminary proposals for connection with existing sanitary sewer, water, storm water management, electric, gas, telephone and cable utilities;
         (m)   Layout, number and dimension of all lots and outlots with proposed setback lines;
         (n)   Location, delineation and elevation of all floodway and floodway fringe areas within the boundaries of the subdivision;
         (o)   Proposed finished floor elevation of all building pads adjacent to or within the floodplain;
         (p)   Drainage plan for all watersheds in and around the proposed subdivision, indicating the general drainage pattern of streets and lots, the location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, the proposed method of disposing of all storm water runoff from the proposed subdivision including data to show that the proposed outlet(s) are adequate to accommodate the drainage requirements of the subdivision, and all existing and proposed detention facilities;
         (q)   Names of all legal ditches and streams on or adjacent to the subdivision;
         (r)   A preliminary erosion control plan for all areas of site disturbance;
         (s)   Topographic contour every two feet superimposed upon the proposed subdivision plat; provided that, the Building Commissioner may require one-foot intervals on very flat land or permit five- foot intervals on very steep slopes;
         (t)   All improvements to the street system on-site and off-site, including measurement of curb radius and taper;
         (u)   Sidewalk plan (or alternate plan for pedestrian ways, when applicable);
         (v)   Preliminary plans and specifications for all infrastructure improvements and installations required or proposed in the subdivision;
         (w)   The approximate location, dimensions and area of all parcels of land proposed to be reserved for park, conservation, wetland, common area, lake or other similar uses for the use of property owners within the proposed subdivision;
         (x)   Method and depiction of access for each lot or outlot (i.e., direct public street, private street, blanket easement or specifically located easement);
         (y)   Designation of common site facilities to benefit all lots or outlots (i.e., parking areas, loading areas, interior access drives, private streets, storm water management, sanitary sewer, water, electric, gas, telephone, cable and the like);
         (z)   Proposed covenants, commitments, conditions and restrictions for the subdivision;
         (aa)   If the subdivision is to be developed in sections, an indication of the approximate section boundaries;
         (bb)   A proposed address plan for the subdivision consistent with the address patterns established for the town and the county;
         (cc)   A traffic impact study (when a proposed development meets or exceeds the warrants of the INDOT Traffic Impact Study Guidelines (i.e., 150 or more dwelling units; 15,000 square feet or more of retail space; 35,000 or more square feet of office space; 70,000 square feet or more square feet of industrial space; 30,000 square feet or more of educational space; 120 or more occupied rooms; 46,000 or more square feet of medical space; or any mixed use development which generates 100 or more peak hour trips in the peak direction), or as requested and justified in writing by the Building Commissioner; and
         (dd)   Any other information requested in writing by the Building Commissioner, Town Engineer or the Plan Commission deemed important to the development of the subdivision.
      (2)   The Building Commissioner, in his or her sole discretion, may waive or relax any of the requirements listed above for a primary plat of a non-residential subdivision, as circumstances dictate.
   (F)   Plans required for primary approval of non-residential incremental subdivisions. A primary plat application which proposes to utilize the incremental secondary plat approval process shall, in addition to the items specified above for the primary approval of non-residential subdivisions, include the following items:
      (1)   An indication of the approximate or conceptual boundaries of lots or outlots to be developed and submitted for secondary plat approval on an incremental basis; and
      (2)   Indication of the staging or phasing of the extension of required improvements and installations to service each lot, outlot or phase of development, including, but not limited to, public or private street extensions, storm water management, sanitary sewer, water, electric, gas, telephone and cable.
   (G)   Plans for secondary approval of subdivisions.
      (1)   All sheets shall be of such size as is acceptable for filing in the office of the County Recorder (no larger than 18 inches by 24 inches).
      (2)   All plans submitted for secondary plat approval shall be prepared by a state licensed land surveyor and shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Name of Subdivision (and section number, if applicable);
         (b)   Name of the surveyor and developer;
         (c)   Surveyor’s stamp, address and phone number on all pages, except pages showing only covenants or special conditions;
         (d)   Scale, date and north arrow;
         (e)   Legal description of the real estate to be subdivided;
         (f)   Wherever lines are required to have a dimension in these regulations, the length of all required lines shall be specified in feet and two decimal places thereof and the value of all required true bearings shall be specified in degrees, minutes and seconds;
         (g)   Name of each public or private street within and adjacent to the subdivision. For each street, include lengths and bearings for the centerline and rights-of-way;
         (h)   Notarized certification by owner(s) of all real estate subject to the subdivision clearly and precisely stating whether the improvements contained within the subdivision are to be dedicated to and maintained by the town, or whether said improvements are to be owned and maintained by a private entity or owners association;
         (i)   Clear outline of any property which is offered for dedication to public use shall be depicted with all dimensions by lengths and bearings with the area marked “public”, “common area” or other appropriate title;
         (j)   The lines of all lots or outlots shall be fully depicted by lengths and bearings;
         (k)   Any building setback lines in excess of those required by Ch. 194 of this code of ordinances required for the subdivision;
         (l)   Location, delineation and elevation of all floodway and floodway fringe areas within the boundaries of the subdivision;
         (m)   Proposed finished floor elevation of all building pads adjacent to or within the floodplain;
         (n)   Names of all legal ditches and streams on or adjacent to the subdivision;
         (o)   All utility easements as approved by the Plan Commission;
         (p)   Signature and certification of the President and Secretary of the Plan Commission on all pages;
         (q)   All covenants, commitments, conditions and restrictions that are:
            1.   Either imposed by the Plan Commission or offered by the owner; and
            2.   Which the Plan Commission accepts the right to enforce.
         (r)   In the case of a re-plat, the recording information of any previously recorded subdivision shall be shown on the front page of the plat;
         (s)   Address of each lot as approved by the Plan Commission or the Building Commissioner; and
         (t)   In the case of a secondary plat approval of a lot in a non-residential incremental subdivision, the subdivider shall submit one copy of an overall plan for all real estate contained in the primary plat updated to show: all previously approved lots, rights-of-way or easements; and the proposed lot.
   (H)   Construction plans. Construction plans for all improvements, installations and lot improvements required by this chapter, the Plan Commission, other applicable ordinances or adopted standards of the town, including, but not limited to, street base, street binder, curbs, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street topcoat, street signs, sidewalks, monumentation, lot drainage, soil preservation, erosion control, fencing, debris and waste removal, and final grading and lawn preparation shall contain the details required for review of such improvements, installations and lot improvements as specified in the applicable ordinance or adopted standards of the town.
(Ord. 2000-21, passed 11-6-2000)