(A)   Each carriage which is desired to be used in the business and for which a permit is sought shall be inspected prior to the granting of the application, with the owner/operator to furnish a certificate of inspection by a person, firm or business acceptable to the Town Council. The inspection shall be done to verify that the carriage conforms to the safety requirements and minimum conditions and standards as hereinafter set out.
      (1)   Carriages will have no less than one and three-eighths inch spoked wheels with a rubber covering thick enough to protect the streets from damage and to keep noise to a minimum.
      (2)   All carriages will be equipped with tail lights, brakes, brake lights and turn signals on the rear of the vehicle.
      (3)   Carriages will be equipped with front lights on both sides that will emit light to the front and side that will be visible from a distance of not less than 500 feet.
      (4)   Each carriage will be equipped with a device to catch horse manure from falling to the pavement until the operator is above to place it in a standard wire-tire plastic bag which he or she shall carry with him or her for permanent disposal when said operator returns to the base of operation.
      (5)   Each carriage shall be equipped with a chemical to be poured over the horse urine by operators so as to break down and eliminate accumulated agents and odors.
      (6)   Each carriage shall be equipped with a slow moving vehicle sign approved by the state and attached to the rear of the vehicle in a place appropriate to permit clear observation by vehicles approaching the carriage.
      (7)   All horses will have rubber compound type horseshoes on the front two feet and either a rubber shoe or borium cork shoe on the two rear feet to keep the animal from slipping on the pavement.
      (8)   No carriage shall be allowed more than six passengers at any one point in time.
      (9)   Owners and/or operators of the carriages shall not permit alcoholic beverages, in any form, to be utilized by passengers while in the carriages.
   (B)   The Town Council shall, along with approving of routes and times for the use and operation of said carriages, also approve designated special curbside areas throughout the town as “carriage stands” for use in picking up and discharging horse-drawn vehicle passengers. In addition, carriages shall use off-street parking or curbside areas for waiting and picking up or discharging passengers so to not cause the carriages to be double parked, nor be operated other than in the far right lane of traffic. Operators shall pick up and discharge passengers only in the curb lanes while lawfully parked.
(1996 Code, § 9-51) (Ord. 84-4, passed - -) Penalty, see § 113.99