Sidewalks shall be built in compliance with § 02500 of the town’s construction standards for paving and surfacing, storm sewer, gravity sanitary sewer, force main, submersible lift station (“town’s construction standards”) by or under the supervision of the town. An alternative design or construction/materials (i.e., brick or stone), if requested by an abutting property owner, may be approved by the Superintendent of the Town Street Department on a case-by-case basis. If such an alternative design or construction/materials is approved, the abutting private property owner shall be responsible for reimbursing the town the additional cost, if any, for the alternative design or construction/materials above that incurred if the sidewalk installation had been built to town’s construction standards.
(1996 Code, § 7-61) (Ord. 71-5, passed - -; Ord. 98-18, passed - -; Ord. 2001-17, passed - -)