(A)    Proposed development projects are required to provide plans of their development projects to the Site Plan Review Committee, including a traffic study in accordance with § 5.04.01 to determine the impact on the transportation system.
   (B)   Projects determined to be de minimus, are required to provide, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   Level of service calculations at each project access point during the p.m. peak hour;
      (2)   A determination of need and length of turn lanes at project driveways consistent with the city’s Land Development Code; and
      (3)   A determination of need for traffic signals or other traffic control devices at project driveways.
   (C)   For projects where a traffic study is required, the traffic study shall be prepared by the developer or his or her designee in accordance with Table 1: Traffic Study Requirements/Guidelines and Table 2: Traffic Study Assumptions and provide the following information:
      (1)   Methodology statement;
      (2)   Study area;
      (3)   Analysis period;
      (4)   Project traffic;
      (5)   Existing conditions;
      (6)   Background conditions;
      (7)   Vested improvements;
      (8)   Capacity analysis; and
      (9)   Transportation mitigation.
   (D)   For projects within the city that front a county/state road, a pre-application meeting with Pasco County is required to determine Pasco County traffic study and review process requirements. Traffic study requirements should be sufficient to address both the city concurrency traffic study requirements and the county/state substandard road and access management requirements.
   (E)   All traffic analysis shall be conducted using generally accepted traffic analysis standards and guidelines.
Table 1: Traffic Study Requirements/Guidelines
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Site Plan Approval (Concurrency)
Table 1: Traffic Study Requirements/Guidelines
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Site Plan Approval (Concurrency)
1.    Traffic study requirements
De minimus
<= 1,200 gross daily trips
<= 1,200 gross daily trips
Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
All projects (roadways only)
> 1,200 gross daily trips
> 1,200 gross daily trips
2.    Methodology statement
Methodology statement required and must be approved prior to beginning study. Upon review of methodology statement, methodology meeting may be required.
Methodology statement required and must be approved prior to beginning study. Upon review of methodology statement, methodology meeting may be required.
Methodology statement required and must be approved prior to beginning study. Upon review of methodology statement, methodology meeting may be required.
3.    Study area
Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
5% significance area - regulated roads
5% significance area regulated roads
5% significance area regulated roads
4.    Project traffic
Trip generation
ITE or field measured (pass-by should be< 10% of total background traffic of adjacent roadway, internal capture < 20%)
ITE or field measured (pass-by should be< 10% of total background traffic of adjacent roadway, internal capture < 20%)
ITE or field measured (pass-by should be< 10% of total background traffic of adjacent roadway, internal capture < 20%)
Trip distribution
Adopted area model (TBRPM)
Adopted area model (TBRPM)
Adopted area model (TBRPM)
5.    Existing conditions
Intersection counts
Within 1 year of methodology
Within 1 year of methodology
Within 1 year of methodology
Roadway counts
Within 1 year of methodology
Within 1 year of methodology
Within 1 year of methodology
6.    Background conditions
Vested developments
Local DRI or approved development information provided by city
Local DRI or approved development information provided by city
Area growth
Adopted area model (TBRPM) growth rate
Historic intersection counts
Historic intersection counts
 7.    Vested improvements (future conditions)
CIP improvements
Construction funded within 3 years
Construction funded within 3 years
Construction funded within 3 years
Development improvements
Project buildout within 3 years
Project buildout within 3 years
Project buildout within 3 years
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Site Plan Approval (Concurrency)
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Site Plan Approval (Concurrency)
8.    Capacity analysis
Intersection analysis
   Signalized intersections
   Unsignalized intersections
HCS or Synchro
HCS or Synchro
Roadway analysis
   Generalized analysis
FDOT Tables
FDOT Tables
FDOT Tables
   Detailed analysis
9.    Transportation mitigation
Roadway improvements
Pasco County substandard road criteria
Pasco County substandard road criteria
Pasco County substandard road criteria
Intersection improvements
Turn lanes (FDOT index 301 & plans prep)
Turn lanes (FDOT index 301 & plans prep)
Driveway improvements
Turn lanes (FDOT index 301 & plans prep)
Proportionate share mitigation
Proportionate share ordinance
(Ord. 998-08, passed 2-11-2008)
Table 2 Traffic Study Assumptions (Detailed).
Traffic Study Assumptions
Table 2 Traffic Study Assumptions (Detailed).
Traffic Study Assumptions
1.    Traffic study requirements
   De minimus
<= 1,200 gross daily trips
   Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
> 1,200 gross daily trips
2.    Methodology statement
Site location, Site Plan
Trip gen (proposed land uses and sizes)
Trip distribution, growth rate, analysis procedures defined
3.    Study area
   Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
Intersections on roadways with 5% impact to the adopted service volume standard (defined by the FDOT Generalized Tables)
4.    Analysis period
   Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
P.M. peak hours plus for office and industrial: a.m. peak hour for project traffic & turn lane calculations
5.    Project Traffic
   Trip generation
      Internal capture
ITE Handbook, internal capture must be < 20%. For internal capture percentages greater than 20%, it must be documented in an engineering study and approved by the city.
      Pass-by capture
ITE Handbook, unless documented by engineering study. Pass-by capture should be < 10% of total background traffic of adjacent roadway.
   Trip distribution
      Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
Adopted Area model (CUBE model)
6.    Existing conditions
   Intersection counts
Study intersection counts within 1 year of methodology
      Peak season adjustments
FDOT peak season correction factor
   Roadway counts
Study roadway counts within 1 year of methodology (roadways can be determined by averaging adjacent intersection counts)
      Peak season adjustments
FDOT peak season correction factor
7.    Background conditions
   Vested developments
DRIs or other large developments tracked by city
   Area growth
Based upon historical data up to 5 years, where available
Traffic Study Assumptions
Traffic Study Assumptions
8.    Vested improvements
   CIP improvements
Construction funded within 3 years
   Development improvements
Development improvements within 3 years
9.    Capacity analysis
   Signalized intersection analysis
HCS or synchro analysis of intersections
Intersection based PHF, consistent with counts (field measured). If a different PHF is to be used, then they are to be approved by the city prior to applying in the analysis.
         Heavy vehicles
Percent heavy vehicles by approach if required by city
         Clearance intervals
Controller settings, otherwise assume 4 seconds yellow, 2 seconds all red
         Pedestrian intervals
Include at intersections where ped signals with walk phases on every cycle
         Signal phasing
Controller settings or field measures
      Los Standards
         Minimum movement LOS
LOS “E”, LOS “F” with v/c <= 0.8
         Minimum approach LOS
         Minimum intersection LOS
LOS “D” (for state facilities, standards should comply with FDOT LOS standards)
   Unsignalized intersection analysis
HCS or synchro analysis of intersections
         Heavy vehicles
Percent heavy vehicles by approach if required by city
      Los Standards
         Minimum movement LOS
LOS “E”, LOS “F” with v/c = .8, can be field verified determined through delay study
         Minimum approach LOS
         Minimum intersection LOS
LOS “D” at all-way stop-controlled intersections
   Roadway analysis
         Generalized LOS analysis
FDOT generalized tables
      Detailed arterial LOS analysis (signals <= 2 mi apart)
HCM arterial analysis (synchro, HCS)
      Detailed highway LOS analysis (signals > 2 mi apart, 2-lane)
HCM two-lane highway analysis (synchro, HCS)
Traffic Study Assumptions
Traffic Study Assumptions
      Detailed highway LOS analysis (signals > 2 mi apart, 4-lane or greater)
HCM multi-lane highway analysis (synchro, HCS)
      Los standards
         Minimum road LOS
10.   Transportation mitigation
   Roadway improvements
      Substandard roads
Consistent with city/Pasco County requirements
   Intersection improvements
      Turn lane warrants
      Turn lane improvements
         Deceleration distance
FDOT index 301
         Storage distances
FDOT Plans Preparation Manual
MUTCD warrant criteria
      Timing & phasing improvements
Consistent with agency approval
   Driveway improvements
      Turn lane warrants
NCHRP 457, unless required as condition of approval by city
      Turn lane improvements
         Deceleration distances
FDOT index 301
         Storage distances
FDOT Plans Preparation Manual
11.    Documentation (report format)
   Comprehensive plan amendments
Project site description and proposal changes
         Project traffic
Trip generation and distribution
         Study area
Intersections on roadways with 5% impact to the adopted service volume standard (defined by the FDOT generalized tables) and adjacent roadways and intersections.
         Existing conditions
Existing roadway counts
         Future conditions
Existing + background growth + project traffic conditions
         Capacity analysis
Roadway analysis only
         Transportation mitigation
Roadway improvements only
Project site description, analysis and mitigation summary
         Project traffic
         Existing conditions
Traffic Study Assumptions
Traffic Study Assumptions
         Future conditions
   Rezoning applications
Project site description and proposal changes
         Project traffic
Trip generation and distribution
         Study area
Intersections on roadways with 5% impact to the adopted service volume standard (defined by the FDOT generalized tables)
         Existing conditions
Existing roadway and intersection counts
         Future conditions
Existing + project traffic conditions
         Capacity analysis
Roadway and intersection analysis
         Transportation mitigation
Intersection and roadway improvements only
Project site description, analysis and mitigation summary
         Project traffic
         Existing conditions
         Future conditions
   Site plan approval applications
Project site description and proposal changes
         Project traffic
Trip generation and distribution
         Study area
Intersections on roadways with 5% impact to the adopted service volume standard (defined by the FDOT generalized tables)
         Existing conditions
Existing roadway and intersection counts
         Non-project conditions (background)
Existing + background growth (DRI and growth) conditions
         Total traffic conditions
Background growth (DRI and growth) + project conditions
         Capacity analysis
Roadway, intersection and driveway analysis
         Transportation mitigation
Intersection and roadway improvements
Project site description, analysis and mitigation summary
         Project traffic
         Existing conditions
         Non-project conditions (background)
         Total traffic conditions
(Ord. 998-08, passed 2-11-2008)