   131.01   Disorderly conduct
   131.02   Shooting firearms
   131.03   Reserved
   131.04   Interfering with persons or property; or begging/panhandling
   131.05   Discharge of non-firearm projectiles
   131.06   Regulation of animals in public
   131.07   Prohibition of solicitation of contributions, employment and business upon highways or streets
   131.08   Loitering; engaging in drug-related activity
   131.99   Penalty
   No person shall do or engage in any of the following or shall be guilty of disorderly conduct:
   (A)   Act in a violent or tumultuous manner toward another, whereby any person is placed in fear or safety of his or her life, limb or health;
   (B)   Act in a violent or tumultuous manner toward another, whereby property of any person is placed in danger of being destroyed or damaged;
   (C)   Endanger lawful pursuits of another by acts of violence, angry threats or abusive conduct;
   (D)   Cause, provoke or engage in any fight, brawl or riotous conduct so as to endanger the life, limb, health or property of another;
   (E)   Assemble or congregate with another or others for the purpose of causing, provoking or engaging in any fight or brawl;
   (F)   Be found jostling or roughly crowding or pushing any person in any public place;
   (G)   Collect in bodies or in crowds for unlawful purposes;
   (H)   Utter any abusive language which is intended and plainly likely to provoke retaliation and thereby cause a breach of the peace; or
   (I)   Congregate with another or others in or on any public way so as to halt the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and refuses to clear the public way when ordered to do so by a peace officer or other person having authority.
(1985 Code, § 131.01) (Ord. 2013-06, passed 7-19-2012) Penalty, see § 131.99
Statutory reference:
   Disorderly conduct, see G.S. § 14-288.4
   It shall be unlawful for any person to fire, or discharge in any way, any air rifle, air pistol or other firearm, using as ammunition a shot, pellet, ball or any other type of missile, within the town limits.
(1985 Code, § 131.01) (Ord. 2013-06, passed 7-19-2012) Penalty, see § 131.99
   Using firearms during state of emergency, see § 93.03
   Using firearms to destroy dangerous animals, see § 91.11
Statutory reference:
   Authority to regulate firearms, see G.S. § 160A-189
§ 131.03 RESERVED.
   (A)   Restrictions. It shall be unlawful for any person on the streets, sidewalks or other public places, within the corporate limits of the town to:
      (1)   Interfere with or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
      (2)   Accost or force oneself upon the company of another;
      (3)   Aggressively coerce, intimidate or harass for the purpose of soliciting alms, or begging charity for the private benefit of the solicitor or any other person whether in the form of money or goods.
      (4)   It shall be unlawful to engage in begging, panhandling, soliciting alms or contributions from another person at any location between sunset and 9:00 a.m. or at any time within 100 feet of an automated teller machine or at any other machine at which money is dispensed to the public.
   (B)   Definitions.
   ACCOST OR FORCE ONESELF UPON. Approaching or speaking to an individual or individuals in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm, continuing to beg in close proximity even after a negative response or blocking the passage of the individual addressed.
   AGGRESSIVELY COERCE, INTIMIDATE or HARASS. Making physical contact with, threatening or violent gestures toward, torment persistently or frighten an individual into submission or obedience.
    INTERFERE WITH OR OBSTRUCT. To walk, stand, sit, lie or place an object in a manner so as to block passage by another person or vehicle, or to require a person or vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact.
   STREETS, SIDEWALKS OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACES. An area generally visible to public view and includes alleys, bridges, buildings, driveways, parking lots, parks, plazas, sidewalks and streets open to the general public.
(1985 Code, § 131.05) (Ord. 2013-06, passed 7-19-2012) Penalty, see § 131.99
Statutory reference:
   Regulation of begging, see G.S. § 160A-179