For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
   (a)   “Border state” means Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Indiana and West Virginia.
   (b)   “Lowest and best” means the lowest bidder that meets the requirements of bid specifications and predetermined evaluation criteria.
   (c)   “Local Employees” means employees who live either in Muskingum County or in the contiguous counties, to wit: Coshocton County, Guernsey County, Licking County, Morgan County and Perry County.
   (d)   “Local Work Force” means a work force that is comprised of more than 50% local employees.
   (e)   “Local Trade Union” means a trade union providing skilled laborers, i.e., electricians, plumbing, heavy equipment operators located within Muskingum County.
   (f)   “Muskingum County bid” means a bid received from a bidder offering Muskingum County products or a bidder demonstrating a significant Muskingum County economic presence.
   (g)   “Ohio bid” means a bid received from a bidder offering Ohio products or a bidder demonstrating a significant Ohio economic presence.
   (h)   “Muskingum County business enterprise” means a domestic corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership or joint venture whose principal place of business is located in Muskingum County. If one party to a joint venture has its principal place of business in Muskingum County, the joint venture shall be considered as having its principal place of business in Muskingum County.
   (i)   “Ohio business enterprise” means a domestic corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership or joint venture whose principal place of business is located in Ohio. If one party to a joint venture has its principal place of business in Ohio, the joint venture shall be considered as having its principal place of business in Ohio.
   (j)   “Muskingum County products” means products which are mined, excavated, produced, manufactured, raised or grown in the County by a person where the input of Muskingum County products, labor, skill or other services constitutes no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the manufactured cost. With respect to mined products, such products shall be mined or excavated in Muskingum County.
   (k)   “Ohio products” means products which are mined, excavated, produced, manufactured, raised or grown in the State by a person where the input of Ohio products, labor, skill or other services constitutes no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the manufactured cost. With respect to mined products, such products shall be mined or excavated in Ohio.
   (l)   “Produced” means processing, mining, developing and making of a thing into a new article, with a distinct character in use, through the application of input within Muskingum County or the State of products, labor, skill or other services. Produced does not include the mere assembling or putting together of non-Ohio products, including materials, manufacturer’s supplies, merchandise, goods, ware and foodstuffs.
   (m)   “Significant Muskingum County economic presence” means business organizations that:
      (1)   Have sales offices, divisions, sales outlets or manufacturing facilities in Muskingum County of which facilities demonstrate capital investment to Muskingum County; and
      (2)   Pay required taxes to Muskingum County.
   (n)   “Significant Ohio economic presence” means business organizations that:
      (1)   Have sales offices, divisions, sales outlets or manufacturing facilities in Ohio of which facilities demonstrate capital investment to Ohio;
      (2)   Pay required taxes to the State; and
      (3)   For corporations, are registered and licensed to do business in the State with the Office of the Secretary of State.
         (Ord. 08-44(A). Passed 6-9-08.)