(a)   General stormwater drainage permits shall be issued for all properties that are not designed as single family residential lots or for disturbed areas in excess of 10,000 square feet or more. Information to be supplied for the general stormwater drainage permit shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio and shall include the following plus any additional information requested by the Director of Public Service.
      (1)   Property address.
      (2)   Property owner’s name and address.
      (3)   Contact person’s name and address.
      (4)   Site map showing:
         A.   Property dimensions and acreage.
         B.   Local streets.
         C.   Area draining onto property.
         D.   Stormwater discharge points from property.
         E.   Existing drainage patterns.
         F.   Existing and proposed type of surfaces.
         G.   Location and size of structures and storm drainage facilities.
         H.   Existing and proposed surface contours at two-foot intervals or less.
         I.   Proposed finished floor elevations.
         J.   Ponding limits.
         K.   Proposed flood routing path.
         L.   Bench marks.
         M.   Profiles of existing and proposed storm drainage structures within the site.
         N.   General notes and details.
         O.   Estimate of quantities for public improvements.
         P.   The map shall be drawn at a minimum scale of 1" = 50'.
         Q.   Delineation of flood zones.
      (5)   Report including:
         A.   Description of proposed changes to the surface and stormwater drainage facilities.
         B.   Drawings and specifications of proposed changes.
         C.   Existing stormwater discharge flow rates with calculations.
         D.   Proposed stormwater discharge flow rates with calculations.
         E.   Detailed drawings and specifications of proposed changes.
         F.   Master storm plan delineating tributary boundaries and acreage for both pre-development and post-development conditions.
      (6)   Photograph showing the current condition of property.
   (b)   Any development that involves disturbing between one to five acres or more requires an Ohio EPA notification and a NPDES permit. Disturbing is defined as: any clearing and grubbing of trees/shrubs/plants; any movement of earth that changes the contour of the land, etc. This permit must accompany the general stormwater drainage permit application. In all instances, conformance to silt control and surface runoff control shall be performed to minimize impact to downstream and upstream users.
(Ord. 98-69. Passed 5-26-98; Ord. 12-112. Passed 10-22-12.)