(a)    Purpose. This is an overlay district that imposes requirements in addition to those of one or more underlying zoning districts. It is intended:
      (1)    To control development in areas subject to flooding and high ground water levels and thereby prevent property damage in these areas and in their surroundings;
      (2)    To protect areas of special environmental sensitivity by directing development to other portions of a site;
      (3)    To preserve natural drainageways for economical disposal of storm water;
      (4)    To insure that adverse soil or slope conditions are overcome prior to development; and
      (5)    To accomplish the forgoing objectives without economic loss to the property owner by permitting a transfer of land use intensity from the conservancy area to other portions of a development site.
   (b)    Regulations. As provided in Tables 16 and 17, Sections 1145.05 and 1145.06.
(Ord. 11-62. Passed 10-11-11.)