Construction plans for the public service improvements within the subdivision as required under Sections 1197.02 and 1197.03, shall not be prepared until the preliminary plat has been approved by the Planning Commission. The construction plans shall be submitted to the Director of Public Service for review and approval by the City Engineer or to the County Engineer, as the case may be, before approval of the final record plat by the Planning Commission.
   For the subdivisions within the City or those adjacent thereto which are to be furnished facilities by the City:
   (a)   The construction plans shall be prepared according to provisions of Sections 1197.02 and 1197.03 and the regulations and specifications of the Director of Public Service, the Division of Engineering and Construction and pertinent ordinances of the City. The Director of Public Service shall notify the Planning Commission, in writing, when the construction plans have been approved. Construction plans that are approved shall not be changed without written permission of the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Six sets of construction plans, when approved, shall be filed with the Planning Commission and two sets marked "Approved for Construction" shall be returned to the subdivider.
   (c)   Construction in accordance with the plans may be deferred if a performance bond, such bond running to the City in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the cost of improvements and approved by the Planning Commission and approved as to form by the Director of Law, has been deposited with the City Auditor and a copy with the office of the Secretary of the Planning Commission.
   (d)   All improvements shall be required to be completed within one year from the date of the bond, unless written approval of the Planning Commission is obtained for an extension of time and the performance bond is extended for the time granted by the Planning Commission. Otherwise, the City shall complete the improvements with funds provided by the performance bond. On completion of the improvements the subdivider shall maintain all improvements for one year and unless a maintenance bond in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the value of the improvements is deposited with the City Auditor for the one-year maintenance period, the performance bond shall not be released until the one-year maintenance period has passed. In either case, the bonds shall not be released until the improvements have been inspected by the normally responsible City departments and the ownership to all streets, utilities, easements, etc. have been accepted by Council.
   (e)   Normally responsible City departments, upon request of the Planning Commission, shall prepare regulations or necessary changes in existing regulations covering the details of preparation of construction plans including standards of construction details, typical sections, specifications and designs standards for distribution to subdividers, engineers and surveyors, to use in the preparation of such construction plans.
      (Ord. 64-47. Passed 4-27-64.)