1171.04 MEETINGS.
   (a)   All meetings of the Downtown Design Review Board shall be held at the call of the Chairman with at least four meeting held each year, at regular intervals, in a public place, advertised in advance, and open to the public, except when an executive session is authorized by law. No meeting shall be conducted in the absence of a quorum, which shall consist of a majority of the total membership.
   (b)   An agenda for the meeting shall be advertised in advance and public notice shall be provided prior to any regular and meetings.
   (c)   Applicants for Board consideration shall be notified in writing of the meeting date, time and location, and subsequently, of the Board’s decisions and reason for action.
   (d)   The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings. The minutes shall show the vote, or absence or abstention and reason for action of every member upon every official action and shall be a public record on file in the Community Development Department. An annual report of all Board activities shall also be kept on file and available for public inspection in the Community Development Department.
(Ord. 18-71. Passed 6-11-18.)