(a) Telecommunications facilities shall be conditional uses in C-2, C-3, C-4, and I-l districts and shall not be permitted in any other zoning district. Telecommunications facilities of stealth design shall be permitted uses in C-2, C-3, C-4, and I-1 districts.
(b) Tower setback shall be 100 percent of the tower height from the nearest property line and public right of way.
(c) Tower placement in relation to residential zoning districts shall be dependent upon tower height, as follows:
(1) Towers l00 feet or less in height shall be located no closer than 500 feet to any residential zoning district.
(2) Towers greater than 100 feet in height shall be located no closer than 750 feet to any residential zoning district.
(3) Towers greater than l50 feet in height, when permitted, shall be located no closer than 1,000 feet to any residential zoning district. Towers greater than 150 feet are not permitted unless the additional height is necessary to:
A. Facilitate co-location of telecommunications facilities; or
B. Meet the coverage requirements of the applicant's grid system, to be documented with written, technical evidence from an engineer that demonstrates that the height of the tower is the minimum height required to function satisfactorily, and no tower that is taller than such minimum height shall be approved.
(4) Distance to residential zoning district requirements shall be one-half (½) of the distances established above for towers incorporating stealth design.
(d) Antennas may be mounted to existing towers or antenna support structures under the following guidelines:
(1) Any such antenna and its supporting facilities that are mounted to an existing structure shall be painted a color which matches, or is compatible with, the structure on which it is located.
(2) Any antenna and supporting facilities located above the primary roof of an antenna support structure shall be set back one foot from the edge of the roof for each one foot in height that the antenna extends above the primary roof of the structure. This setback requirement shall not apply to telecommunications facilities which are screened from view through the use of stealth design, panels, walls, fences, or other screening techniques approved by the City.
(3) The height from grade of the antenna shall not exceed the height from grade of the antenna support structure by more than 20 feet.
(4) Micro antennas not exceeding five feet in height may be placed on any building in a permitted zoning district and shall not be subject to the edge of roof setback requirements.
(e) All other uses accessory to any telecommunications facility, including but not limited to business offices, maintenance depots, and materials and vehicle storage are prohibited from the site unless otherwise permitted in the zoning district in which the telecommunications facility is located.
(Ord. 98-132. Passed 9-28-98.)