1161.04 VIBRATION.
   (a)   Maximum Vibration. Ground-transmitted vibration shall not exceed the maximum permitted particle velocities in Table 38, subsection (c) hereof, at the locations specified therein.
   (b)   Measurement. A seismograph or other three-component measuring system capable of simultaneous measurement of vibration in three mutually perpendicular directions shall be used to measure vibration.
   Particle velocity may be measured directly or computed by the following formula:
PV = 6.28 x F x D
PV:   Particle velocity in inches per second.
F:   Vibration frequency in cycles per second.
D:   Single amplitude displacement of the vibration in inches.
   (c)   Table 38: Maximum Ground Transmitted Vibration.
Maximum Permitted Particle Velocity*
At Adjacent Lot Line
At Nearest Residentially
Zoned Lot Boundary**
Heavy Industrial
Notes for Table 38
*   Where vibration is produced as discrete impulses (impact vibrations) not exceeding 100 per minute, maximum permitted velocities may be doubled.
**   Between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., maximum permitted velocity at residentially zoned lot boundaries shall be reduced fifty percent (50%).
(Ord. 87-94. Passed 7-27-87.)