(a)   Within a triangular area located at the at-grade intersection of two streets, a street and a railroad, or a street and a driveway special restrictions apply.
   (b)   The triangular area shall be formed by the right-of-way lines of the streets or railroads between their intersection and points thirty feet from their intersection along each line, or ten feet from the intersection of a street and a driveway, and by a straight line connecting these two points.
   (c)   Within this triangle, no solid fence as defined herein or any hedge, opaque landscaping or screening, wall or other solid obstruction, having a height of over two and five-tenths feet, nor any open fence as defined herein with a height of over three and five-tenths feet shall be permitted.
   (d)   Overhanging objects including tree branches shall be permitted within this triangle only if all parts thereof are higher than eight feet above the level of the railroad or the pavement of the street or driveway where the center lines intersect. Signs shall be permitted only if the sign clearance is eight feet or greater or the sign height is two and five-tenths feet or less.
(Ord. 87-94. Passed 7-27-87.)