(a)    In granting approval or conditional approval of a certificate of appropriateness, the Board shall prepare written findings of fact that the proposed alteration or change is compatible, as applicable, with the character of:
           (1)    The existing property being altered; and
            (2)    Surrounding properties; and
            (3)    Adjacent public ways; and
            (4)    The historic district, if any, in which the property is located.
   (b)    Such compatibility shall be judged with respect to the following elements of design:
            (1)    Height and scale;
            (2)    Proportions of windows, doors, sign lettering and other design features;
           (3)    Shape of roof;
           (4)    Materials, textures and colors; substitute materials may be used if:
                  A.    They may be installed without irreversibly damaging or obscuring the architectural features or trim of the building.
                  B.    The substitute material can match the historic material in size, profile and finish so there is no change in character of the historic building or area.
            (5)    Directional expression, or the horizontal or vertical character of the structure;
            (6)    Open space, including setbacks and spacing between structures or signs; and
            (7)    Landscaping.
            (8)    Other.
                  A.    The Board shall hold approval on items in which the Zoning Administrator determines an alternative board or commission within the City of Zanesville should provide a preliminary review or decision that may aide the Board in their decision making process.
   (c)    It is not the intent of these criteria to prohibit such contemporary design or architectural styles as may be compatible with a historic environment.
   (d)   For approval of a certificate, the Board shall require only such degree of compatibility as can be achieved without depriving the property owner of reasonable use of and a reasonable economic return from his property.
   (e)   The Historic Preservation Board shall utilize the City of Zanesville Design Guidelines, as adopted by the Zanesville City Council per Ordinance 19-138, when making decisions on the compatibility of proposed construction of, alterations to, and removal of properties within the HO District.
(Ord. 2020-130. Passed 11-23-20.)