In recommending approval or conditional approval of an amendment placing any property or area in the HO Historic Overlay District, the Planning Commission shall transmit to Council written findings of fact that all of the conditions below apply to the application. The Design Review Board may recommend such amendment to the Planning Commission. In granting approval or conditional approval, Council shall similarly find that all of the following conditions apply:
   1. Significance.
The property or area possesses at least one of the following:
      A. Historic Significance.
It has special value associated with a site, person, group, organization or event of local, State or national historic significance.
      B. Cultural Significance.
It has special value as part of local, State or national development, heritage or culture.
      C. Architectural Significance.
It has special value as:
         1.   The work of a master builder or designer; or
         2.   The embodiment of design elements that make it architecturally innovative, excellent or otherwise significant; or
         3.   The basis for the study of a period or style of architecture or construction.
   2. Suitability for Preservation.
The property or area is largely suitable for preservation or restoration.
   3. Consistent With Economic Use of Property.
The placement of the property or area in the HO District shall not deprive the affected property owners of reasonable use of or reasonable economic return from their property.
   4. Consistent With Adjacent Property or Preservation Plan.
The placement of the property or area in the HO District is consistent with the historic significance or HO zoning of adjacent property or with a plan for preserving all suitable properties, or areas of historic, cultural or architectural significance in the City and does not represent an arbitrary imposition only upon certain properties or areas with such significance.
   (Ord. 87-94. Passed 7-27-87.)