(a)   Liability.
      (1)   Each owner of real property supplied with water by the City shall be jointly and severally liable for charges for water supplied to such premises.
      (2)   Water service may be terminated or denied at any premises where there are outstanding water or sewer charges, or to any person who has outstanding water or sewer bills with the City.
      (3)   The agreement by the City to carry an account in the name of a tenant or other nonowner in no way relieves the owner(s) of liability for water charges for the premises.
   (b)   Registration of Ownership.
      (1)   The owner(s) of premises supplied with water by the City shall register with the utility office within sixty days after the effective date of this section; within thirty days after any change of ownership of the premises; and prior to any change in the account for water to the premises. Water service may be terminated or denied for any premises for which a current registration card is not on file.
      (2)   The registration card shall contain the name and address of each owner; the name and address of the person to whom the regular bill is to be sent; any other information deemed necessary by the utility; and the signature of at least one owner of the premises, acknowledging personal liability for water and sewage charges. A separate registration card shall be filed for each separate account, unit, meter or service location.
         (Ord. 84-40. Passed 4-23-84.)