After the proposed water main systems have been approved for construction as required by Section 931.02, such person so constructing the water mains, whether within or without the corporate limits of the City, shall, before any construction is commenced, secure a permit to start construction which shall show that the plans, profiles and specifications have been approved in accordance to authorization granted by Council, and a sum of money has been deposited with the City Auditor to pay for inspection and/or engineering services.
   The sum of money required shall be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the amount of construction and the number of days required for construction and final inspection of construction by the City. For the protection of the City water main system, it is necessary that construction work be done in compliance with the plans, profiles and specifications approved and in conformity to all applicable City ordinances and regulations.
   The Director of Public Service shall appoint an inspector for daily inspection of such water main construction and his compensation shall be paid from the sum posted with the City Auditor. Such inspector shall receive the hourly rate in accordance with the classification and pay plan ordinance and shall be under the direction of the Director of Public Service. Any excess remaining, after the completion of the water main to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service, shall be returned to the depositor by the City Auditor after authorization by the Director of Public Service.
   Within thirty days following completion of water main construction and final inspection and approval of the Director of Public Service, such person shall have their engineer submit a final "as-built" set of plans and profiles prepared as directed by the City, of water main construction, for the file records of the Division of Engineering of the City.
   No construction or laying of water mains that are to be connected to the City water main system shall be carried on without the above required inspection.
(Ord. 82-211. Passed 12-13-82.)