Annually, by September 1, the Director shall prepare an updated capital improvements schedule and a recommended schedule of service charges. He shall submit the sewer service charge schedule at the first regular Council meeting thereafter for ratification and incorporation into the City ordinances. The schedule shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
   (a)   The schedule shall result in the distribution of the costs of operation and maintenance of the treatment works within the City's jurisdiction to each user class in proportion to the user's contribution to the total wastewater loading of the treatment works. Factors such as strength, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics shall be considered and included as the basis for the user's contribution to ensure a proportional distribution of operation and maintenance costs, including replacement, to each user's class.
      (Ord. 82-211. Passed 12-13-82.)
   (b)   The schedule shall be reviewed annually and revised, as necessary, to reflect actual treatment works operation and maintenance costs. The schedule shall generate sufficient revenue to offset the costs of all treatment works operation and maintenance and debt service.
   The Director shall notify each customer annually as to the actual costs of the rates are attributed to operation, maintenance, replacement and debt service.
(Ord. 91-32. Passed 3-11-91.)