A. Unless otherwise approved by the city official and recommended in the approved soil engineering report, fills shall conform to Subarticle 9 of the grading manual. The provisions therein may be waived, for minor fills not intended to support structures, upon written request by the applicant on a form prescribed by the city official.
B. The city official may require that the soil tests or testing be performed by an approved testing laboratory.
C. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2:1) unless otherwise recommended in the soil engineering or engineering geology report and approved by the city official. The slope of fill surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use. (Ord. 48, 1990)
The setbacks and other restrictions specified by Subarticle 10 of the grading manual are minimum and may be increased by the city official or by the recommendation of a civil engineer, soil engineer or engineering geologist, if necessary for safety and stability or to prevent damage to structures or adjacent properties from sediment deposition, erosion, water runoff of the slopes or to provide access for slope and drainage structure maintenance. The minimum setback may be reduced only in special circumstances where stability is proven to the satisfaction of the city official by the soil engineer or engineering geologist and other factors are of primary importance. (Ord. 48, 1990)
A. Asphalt concrete pavement for surfacing of parking lots, private streets or other similar use shall conform to the provisions of Subarticle 12 of the grading manual unless otherwise approved by the city official.
B. The site soil engineer or special inspector shall inspect the construction of asphalt paved areas and verify to the city official that the work has been performed in compliance with the provisions of this section. (Ord. 48, 1990)
A. The faces of cut and fill slopes and the project site shall be prepared and maintained to control against erosion in accordance with this section and Sections 15.12.350 and 15.12.360. Where cut slopes are not subject to erosion due to the erosion-resistant character of the materials, such protection may be omitted upon approval by the city official.
B. Where necessary, temporary and/or permanent erosion control devices such as desilting basins, check dams, riprap or other devices or methods, as approved by the city official, shall be employed to control erosion and provide safety during the rainy season from October 15th to April 15th.
C. No grading work in excess of two hundred (200) cubic yards will be allowed between October 15th and April 15th on any single grading site under permit unless an erosion control system has been approved or waived by the city official.
D. Paved streets, sidewalks and other improvements shall be maintained in a neat and clean condition free of loose soil, construction debris and trash. Street sweeping or other equally effective means shall be used on a regular basis to prevent storm flows from carrying sediment and debris outside the project boundaries. Watering shall not be used to clean streets except for fine material not otherwise removed by sweeping or other mechanical means.
E. The civil engineer or other qualified individual who prepared the grading plan and designed the erosion control devices shall be responsible for inspection and modification of the devices, as necessary, during the rainy season.
F. Desilting facilities shall be provided at drainage outlets from the graded site.
G. Desilting basins shall be designed to provide a minimum desilting capacity equal to the current city standards.
H. Desilting basins shall be constructed around the perimeter of projects whenever feasible when it provides improved maintenance access from paved roads during wet weather.
I. Desilting basins constructed of compacted earth shall be compacted to a relative compaction of ninety (90) percent of maximum density. A soil engineering report, prepared by the soil engineer, which includes the type of field testing performed, location and results of testing shall be submitted to the city official for approval upon completion of the desilting basins.
J. Equipment and workers for emergency work shall be made available at all times during the rainy season. Necessary materials shall be available on-site and stockpiled at convenient locations to facilitate rapid construction of temporary devices when rain is imminent.
K. Erosion protection shall consist of effective planting of all slopes in excess of five feet high unless otherwise approved by the city official. Slopes exceeding fifteen (15) feet high may require an adequate sprinkler system, as determined by the city official. Protection for the slopes shall be installed as soon as practicable which may be prior to rough grade approval. Effective planting shall be installed, fully germinated and effectively cover the required slopes prior to final approval unless otherwise approved by the city official.
L. The erosion control provisions shall take into account drainage patterns during the current and future phases of grading throughout the rainy season.
M. All removable protective devices shown shall be in place at the end of each working day when the five-day rain probability forecast exceeds forty (40) percent.
N. Graded areas around the tract perimeter must drain away from the face of slopes at the conclusion of each working day. (Ord. 48, 1990)
Erosion control plans prepared in accordance with Subarticle 13 of the grading manual shall be submitted to the city official for approval by September 15th each year for projects under grading permit. The erosion control plan may be waived for grading projects on single residential lot projects providing that an erosion control system, meeting the approval of the city official, has been installed, placed, planted or constructed before October 15th. (Ord. 48, 1990)
A. After each rainstorm, silt and debris shall be removed from check berms and desilting basins and the basins pumped dry.
B. After each rainstorm, the performance of the erosion control system shall be evaluated and revised and repaired as necessary.
C. Devices shall not be moved or modified without the approval of the city official.
D. The contractor shall be responsible and shall take necessary precautions to prevent public trespass onto areas where impounded water creates a hazardous condition.
E. The contractor and permittee or project owner shall be responsible for continual maintenance of the devices during the rainy season. In the event of failure or refusal by the contractor, permittee or project owner to properly maintain the devices, the city official may cause emergency maintenance work to be done to protect adjacent private and public property. The cost shall be charged to the owner and shall include an initial mobilization cost plus the cost of doing the work as contained in Sections 15.12.250 through 15.12.270 of this code.
F. In the event of failure by the property owner to install an approved erosion control system, the city official may cause emergency work to be performed to protect adjacent private and public property. When the city official is caused to take such emergency maintenance workings to be performed, he is empowered to revoke any standing grading permits. Such action to revoke a grading permit shall be performed in writing. Such permit shall not be renewed until an erosion control system, approved by the city official, shall be put into place. The procedure of Section 15.12.120 of this code need not apply for emergency erosion control work between October 15th and April 15th. The cost shall be charged to the owner in accordance with subsection E of this section. (Ord. 48, 1990)
A. It shall be the responsibility of the civil engineer, architect or other qualified individual who prepared the grading plan approved by the city official to incorporate all recommendations from the soil engineering and engineering geology reports into the grading plan. He shall also be responsible for the professional inspection and approval of the grading within his area of technical specialty. This responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, inspection and approval as to the establishment of line, grade and drainage of the development area. The project civil engineer and/or general contractor shall act as the coordinating agent in the event the need arises for liaison between the project professional grading contractor, and the city official, the civil engineer or other qualified person who prepares and signs the grading control plans, and the submission of as-graded grading plans when required by the city official upon completion of the work.
B. Soil engineering and engineering geology reports shall be required as specified in Section 15.12.180 of this code. During grading, all necessary reports, compaction data, soil engineering and engineering geology recommendations shall be submitted to the owner by the soil engineer and engineering geologist. The owner shall submit copies of the report to the civil engineer and two copies of all reports to the city official.
C. The soil engineer’s area of responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, the professional inspection and approval concerning the preparation of ground to receive fills, testing for required compaction, stability of all finish slopes, design of buttress fills, subdrain installation and incorporation of data supplied by the engineering geologist.
D. The engineering geologist’s area of responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, professional inspection and written approval of the adequacy of natural ground for receiving fills, the stability of cut slopes with respect to geological matters, and the need for subdrains or other groundwater drainage devices. He shall report his finding to the soil engineer and the civil engineer for engineering analysis.
E. The city official may expeditiously inspect the project at the various stages of work requiring approval and at any more frequent intervals necessary to determine that adequate control is being exercised by the professional consultants.
F. When preliminary soil engineering reports are not required by the city official, he may require inspection and testing by an approved testing agency. The testing agency’s responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, approval of cleared areas and benches to receive fill, and compaction of fills. (Ord. 48, 1990)