Although not a requirement of this Ordinance, prior to proceeding with SWM Site Plan preparation and submission, the applicant is encouraged to request a pre-application meeting with the Municipality, Municipality's Engineer and a staff member of the York County Conservation District to discuss the plan concept and responsibility for submission of required documents and information.
   The following items shall be included in the SWM Site Plan:
   (a)   Appropriate sections of the Municipality's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, and other applicable ordinances of the Municipality regarding subdivision and land development plan preparation and applicable plan requirements shall be followed in preparing all SWM Site Plans, regardless of whether or not a SWM Site Plan involves a subdivision and/or land development plan. If the Municipality has not adopted a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, the content of SWM Site Plans shall follow the plan preparation and applicable plan requirements of the York County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
   (b)   The Municipality shall not approve any SWM Site Plan that is deficient in meeting the requirements of this Ordinance. At its sole discretion, and in accordance with this Article, when a SWM Site Plan is found to be deficient, the Municipality may either disapprove the submission, or, in the case of minor deficiencies, the Municipality may accept the submission of a revised SWM Site Plan as noted in Section 938.04.
   (c)   Provisions for permanent access or maintenance easements for all physical SWM BMPs, such as ponds and infiltration structures, as necessary to implement the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan discussed in Section 938.01(e)(9) below.
   (d)   The following signature block for the municipality:
"(Municipal official or designee), on this date (date of signature), has reviewed and hereby certifies that the SWM Site Plan meets all design standards and criteria of the Municipal Ordinance No. (number assigned to the Ordinance)."
   (e)   If not required by the Municipal or York County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, as specified in Section 938.01(a), the SWM Site Plan shall also provide the following information where applicable:
      (1)   The overall stormwater management concept for the project, including any additional information required for a Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan (PCSWMP) as applicable.
      (2)   A determination of site conditions in accordance with the BMP Manual. A detailed site evaluation shall be completed for projects proposed in areas of carbonate geology or karst topography, as well as for other environmentally sensitive areas, whether natural or manmade, including floodplains, streams, lakes, ponds, hydric soils, wetlands, brownfields and wellhead protection zones.
      (3)   Stormwater runoff design computations, and documentation as specified in this Ordinance, or as otherwise necessary to demonstrate that the maximum practicable measures have been taken to meet the requirements of this Ordinance, including the recommendations and general requirements in Section 937.01.
      (4)   Expected project time schedule.
      (5)   A soil erosion and sediment control plan, where applicable, as prepared for, reviewed, and approved by the York County Conservation District.
      (6)   The effect of the project in terms of runoff volumes, water quality, and peak flows on surrounding properties and aquatic features, and on any existing stormwater conveyance system that may be affected by the project.
      (7)   Plan and profile drawings of all SWM BMPs, including drainage structures, pipes, open channels, and swales.
      (8)   The SWM Site Plan shall show the locations of existing and proposed on-lot wastewater facilities and water supply wells.
      (9)   The SWM Site Plan shall include an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan for all existing and proposed physical stormwater management facilities. This plan shall address long-term ownership and responsibilities for O&M as well as schedules and costs for O&M activities.
      (10)   A description of permanent stormwater management techniques, including the construction specifications of the materials to be used for stormwater management facilities.
      (11)   A notarized signature of the owner of the parcel for which the SWM Site Plan is proposed indicating that they are aware of the plan and will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater management facilities.
      (12)   Existing and proposed land uses.
      (13)   The location of the proposed regulated activity relative to streets, municipal boundaries, and other significant manmade features.   
      (14)   Significant physical features and associated boundary limits including flood hazard areas, sinkholes, existing drainage courses, and areas of natural vegetation.
      (15)   The location of existing and proposed utilities, stormwater facilities, sanitary sewers, and water lines on the parcel and within 50 feet of property lines.    
      (16)   Proposed changes to the land surface and vegetative cover, and the type and amount of existing and proposed impervious area.
      (17)   Existing and proposed structures, buildings, streets, driveways, access drives, and parking areas.
      (18)   Preferred contour intervals of two (2) feet in moderately sloped areas, and contours at intervals of five (5) feet for slopes in excess of 15%. Dependent upon site conditions, alternative contour intervals proposed by an applicant or his designee may be accepted by the Municipality.
      (19)   The name of the development, the name and address of the owner of the property, and the name and address of the individual or firm preparing the Plan. Also to be included are the name, address, signature and seal of any registered surveyor (attesting the accuracy of the boundary survey), professional engineer, landscape architect, or professional geologist (for geomorphological assessments) contributing to and/or with a responsibility for any aspect of the Plan where applicable.    
      (20)   Preferred graphic and written scale of one (1) inch equals no more than 50 feet. For parcels of 20 acres or more, the preferred scale is one (1) inch equals no more than 100 feet. Dependent upon site conditions, an alternative scale proposed by the applicant or his designee may be accepted by the Municipality.
      (21)   North point (arrow).
      (22)   A map showing all existing manmade features beyond the subject parcel's boundary lines that will be affected by the proposed regulated activities.
      (23)   Horizontal and vertical profiles of all open channels, including hydraulic capacity.
      (24)   A note on the plan indicating the location, and responsibility for maintenance of, SWM facilities and/or easements that would be located on adjoining properties as a result of proposed regulated activities, and the location of such facilities and/or easements.
      (25)   A hydrogeologic assessment of the effects of stormwater runoff on sinkholes where present.
      (26)   The effect of the proposed regulated activity in terms of runoff volumes and peak flows on adjacent properties and/or any existing municipal stormwater collection system that may receive runoff from the project site.
      (27)   Drainage flow pathways.
         (Ord. 32-2011. Passed 10-4-11.)