Curbs and Sidewalks
   EDITOR’S NOTE: Resolution 57-1996, passed March 19, 1996, established curb and sidewalk permit fees.
909.01   Permit required; repair defined.
909.02   Permit fee.
909.03   Permit term and expiration.
909.04   Application, investigation and approval.
909.05   Handicapped ramps required.
909.06   Proper grade and line to be obtained.
909.07   Laying with improper grade or slope.
909.08   Change of marks of grade or line.
909.09   Storage of materials; restoration.
909.10   Mixing concrete.
909.11   Safety precautions; lights and barricades.
909.12   Intersection construction.
909.13   Drains or gutters from dwelling to gutters.
909.14   Rules and regulations.
909.15   Permit revocation.
909.16   (Reserved).
909.17   (Reserved).
909.18   (Reserved).
909.19   Obligations of property owners.
909.20   Liens.
909.21   Constructive services.
909.98   Duties and responsibilities.
909.99   Penalty.
Power to compel sidewalk construction - see 3rd Class §3001
(53 P.S. §38001)
Notice to property owners abutting improved streets - see S.U. & P.S. 905.03
Snow removal - see S.U. & P.S. Art. 911
Planting trees along sidewalks - see S.U. & P.S. 913.09
Subdivision curbs and sidewalks - see P. & Z. 1397.03