Where false alarms have originated from negligent use or a combination of negligent use and a defective system, in order to terminate the finding that the system is a public nuisance an owner shall comply with the provisions of Section 755.06 and in addition file an affidavit explaining the steps that have been taken to correct the negligent use which has resulted in false alarms. Upon acceptance of such affidavits by the Police Commissioner/Chief of Police or Fire Chief the declaration of the alarm system as a public nuisance shall be considered void and of no legal effect. Subject, nevertheless, that should such a system be declared a public nuisance as provided in Section 755.03 within a period of one year following reinstatement under this section or Section 755.06, use of such system shall terminate for a period of one year before this section shall be used to reinstate service. (Ord. 13-1979 §1. Passed 8-21-79.)